I was born and raised in this country, the good ol' US of A. I love my country and am proud to be a citizen; am proud of those who gave their lives to defend it; am proud of those who fought hard to make this country the greatest country in the world. But I can't deny that the people of this country are plagued with imperfections.
Recent political events have made me think about my fellow Americans in today's lifestyle. It is my opinion that Obama did not win the election because he was the best candidate for the job. It's my belief that an incredible dislike for GWB, his representation of the Republican Party, a terrorist attack and an economic crisis under the same administration and a less than decent choice for a Republican presidential candidate are the reasons the Presidency was handed to the nations first Black President on a silver platter. Obama's platform on "change" was what shot him beyond McCain's reach, to change the current President, the current party in the White House, the current economic crisis and war on terror plan and the other option for our new President. Obama won because people wanted change, but I question the type of change hey want.
I've decided to write a series of chapters I am calling A Series On "Change" where I will question the idea of people wanting change. I will talk about day to day things I experience that make me question the concept of change that the majority of Americans seem to want. Things that make me wonder why people would expect a single man to fix our problems when they themselves are not willing to change.
My goal is to write about 1 article a week (besides this introduction) where "change" will be the main topic. My scenarios will be based on things I see and experience on a daily basis with the people around me. I will not discount myself as one of the people who will create a scenario where real change will be required if we truly want to make this a better country because I am human and I also do stupid things from time to time. I hope that paying attention to what I do and notice the things I do wrong will help to at least change one person, but I also hope that my articles will make someone think about some of the things we do on a daily basis where if we made changes ourselves we could make this a better country ourselves, with little or no help from our Gov't. It's a long shot and maybe even a pipe dream, but one thing I can be sure of, if I don't try I will never if it can works.