The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on January 13, 2009 By CharlesCS In Blogging
So, what would you do to earn a degree from college? According to, 22 year old Natalie Dylan from San Diego thought auctioning off her virginity was a sure fire way to make enough money to pay for college and earn a degree. And according to the article, she was right.

Talk about a high priced hooker, this woman was offered $3.7 million dollars for her virginity. Now, I'm all for having a good time with a woman virgin or not, and spending some money on her is no big deal if you can afford it. But $3.7 million to have sex with a "virgin"? Can you even prove if she is a virgin? And who exactly is this person who is willing to pay that much money to have sex with anyone? I mean, seriously, there are plenty of women out there, some virgins (I think), who would do it for far less or even for free. Well maybe not necessarily free (a diamond ring, a gold bracelet, a fancy new car).

Got to give her points for creativity though. She came up with this idea thanks to her sister who was a real prostitute, but only for a few weeks (year right), so she could for her college education as well. I'm sure that story will go well with her children if she has any in the future.

"So mom, why should I or you work hard to pay for my college when all I have to do is have sex for money like you did?"


"Wow Tim, that's a big house you house you live in"

"Yea, my mommy bought it with some money she got for having sex with a stranger"

So, what are you willing to do for a college education? eBay sounds like a nice place to get some ideas. I am curious though, the day she decides to get married, will she tell her boyfriend about this or will she be lucky enough to meet a guy who wouldn't care?

I look forward to some of the replies for this.

on Jan 13, 2009

I hadn't heard about this so I looked it up.  Seems like she is doing through a legal brothel in Nevada. 

I'm really not sure what I think about it.

on Jan 13, 2009

Heh, did ya sleep during sex ed class, Charles? A virgin will still have her hymen. (look it up.)

Hey, I'll admit I am ignorant to common information from time to time. Thanks for the info, I know not to ask that again.


on Jan 13, 2009

What she's doing is illegal in most states, and illegal outside of an established brothel in others. Does she live in Nevada? If not, she's likely to find herself convicted of soliciting for prostitution. Maybe some jailhouse bull dagger deisel dyke will solve her little 'virginity problem' for free then.

I figured. They said she's from San Diego, Cali I guess. I would love to hear a follow up on this. I still find it interesting how you know the law on this so well even though I am aware of your past.

That would be poetic justice, hahaha.

Sounds like something I've seen on Playboy channel.

on Jan 13, 2009

I hadn't heard about this so I looked it up. Seems like she is doing through a legal brothel in Nevada.

Hey, this country was built on loopholes. 

on Jan 13, 2009

Heh, did ya sleep during sex ed class, Charles? A virgin will still have her hymen. (look it up.)

BTW, I did kinda mean it in a sarcastic way, even though I didn't know the answer to this. LOL. I was kinda pointing at the idea of having her checked just to be sure. LOL.

on Jan 13, 2009

It is hers to sell.  I would not pay that price, but if you have the money and it floats your boat, that is between buyer and seller.

on Jan 13, 2009

What I find most disturbing about the scenario is that someone would be willing to PAY this much for a whore, even a virginal one.

Agreed. $30, $300 maybe even $3,000 if you can afford it, may not be too bad for some good fun with a woman or a man if you a woman. But $3.7 million? And here I thought our economy was screwed up. You know how many people could have been employed with that kind of money?

Then again, men have always been total idiots when it comes to pussy, families are broken, reputations ruined, ministries shamed, empires toppled, and kingdoms lost...and for what? A few moments of physical pleasure?

I don't agree. Well, maybe. I mean, women, we can't live without them to be honest. But I would not sacrifise my life for a few moments with one. And centainly not $3.7 million.

Anyone whose got millions for a piece of ass (and would SPEND that much) is mentally ill.

Or desperate.

on Jan 13, 2009

I don't really see this as being morally wrong.  Regarding the fact that these millions of dollars are being used for this rather than in aiding those that are unemployed etc, remember that that money doesn't just dissappear.  Yes, the government will get its cut in the form of taxes (and even that gets circulated somewhat), but really that money is mostly just being transfered to this woman, and then she will use it to get a college degree and perhaps go out and eat a few times (thereby helping employ those working in that restaurant, etc). 

It's a simple trade, where both sides get what they want, and no one really is any worse off afterwards.  I mean, if this is legit, this guy feels that this opportunity for him is worth more to thim than his few million dollars, and obviously she feels that the money is worth more to her than saving her virginity 'till later.  Of course, maybe this guy will regret spending all that money, but he's the one responsible for that, and if he doesn't regret it, well all the more power to him.

on Jan 13, 2009

Yeah, I know, probably not the best example, just the first thing that popped into my head (food costs a lot to me).

Point is, if she spends that money, that money gets circulated back into the economy, and helps stimulate it.  If she invests the money in bonds or stocks, that gives companies capital to build up more and perhaps employ more people.  If she puts it in the bank, even that helps a little bit by giving the banks more reserves, and making them a bit more likey to start give out credit. 

Really, the only truly bad things she could do with that money is either use it for destructive ends (help fund crime for example) or burn it.

on Jan 13, 2009

3.7 Mill? for some Pussy? bwahahahahahaahh this guy must be the worlds dumbest, ugliest motherfucker on the planet with breath that could stop a charging rhino at 50 yards, crossed eyed pizza faced and body odor OMG! hahahahahaha whatta marooooonn!!!!!!

on Jan 14, 2009

3.7 Mill? for some Pussy? bwahahahahahaahh this guy must be the worlds dumbest, ugliest motherfucker on the planet with breath that could stop a charging rhino at 50 yards, crossed eyed pizza faced and body odor OMG! hahahahahaha whatta marooooonn!!!!!!

yea, but a rich one!

on Jan 14, 2009

Didja hear the one about the country virgin who the morning after her wedding night went to the doctor because she had some questions? She said "doc! what is that THING down there between a man's legs!?" To whicch the doctor replied "that is what is called the penis." She said "oh. And what is that purplish knob thingy on the end of the...the penis? What's that?" And the doc replied "That is what is called the 'head of the penis." The she thought a moment and said "Then...what are those 2 round objects situated about fifteen or sixteen inches behind the head of the penis?" The doc thought a moment and finally replied "well I don't know what they are on him but on me they're the cheeks of my ass!"

on Jan 17, 2009

I wonder whether that bid was legitimate or some 12-year-old having a laugh.

Still, I don't consider what she's doing any less unethical than working in a call centre to put herself through uni. Everyone makes sacrifices when they study, you don't really have any choice about that.

She's chosen to sacrifice a little of her dignity and (possibly) self-respect. If someone had offered me 3.7 million for my virginity, I would have accepted (presuming of course they submit to medical testing first, cos they probably have HIV or something).

on Jan 17, 2009

He must be a connoseuir! Amazing what people willdo for some cash!

on Jan 19, 2009

He must be a connoseuir! Amazing what people willdo for some cash!

Some people collect demi-tasse cups.......