The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

It’s ironic that the people of this nation chose to vote in a man that promised to fix our economy claiming the Republicans basically messed everything up yet President Obama has done a fantastic job at picking some very amazing people for his Administration who, so far, 3 have had money issues.

First we had Hillary Clinton and her husbands charity problems which was giving them problems to confirm her.

Then there was the Secretary of Treasury, the man who would be in charge of the IRS owing about $34,000 in back taxes from 4 years was also having trouble getting confirmed.

His latest selection of choice financial gurus? Tom Daschle, nominated to head the Department of Health and Human Services, is now claiming to owe about $100,000 in back taxes and is also having issues being confirmed.

Is it just me or aren’t the Democrats the ones who claim we should pay more taxes and that tax loop holes are wrong? Makes me wonder if we were to check every politician to see how much they all owe in back taxes we could probably balance the budget with the Democrats alone.

This is shameful, and worse the Obamabots will dismiss this as a mistake. Had it been a Republican he/she would have been sliced and diced and grilled to burn for such irresponsibility. Yes people, the man who claims to be able to fix our economy is laying his trust in people, who they themselves are incredibly irresponsible with their taxes, to run the country. This is definitely change alright. That is what will be left over in the vault after they are done blowing every penny we have to “save” the economy while giving free condoms aways, change, probably a few quarters, a dime and a couple of nickels. That’s the change he will be bringing.

I’ll leave you with the old saying, you get what you paid for.


on Jan 31, 2009

hey I didnt vote for this guy so hey... all is good.

on Jan 31, 2009

A bit off topic but Obama's step brother just got picked up in Kenya for some Mary-Jay. Now before the "true believers" get up in arms, I only point this out as a parallel to the Carter administration, apparently this step-brother will be Obama's "Billy Carter". So now we have an illegal aunt, and a step-brother "head". It makes one proud, I say, Truly an American family and role model to boot. Besides you can't blame George Obama for something his bro Barry use to do can you? Wonder if this news will give Chris Mathews a tingle up his leg.