The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

I have to say that Obama has definitely proved he has brought change to the US Gov't for this new Era. Not only is Obama failing to get the Republicans to back his policies (bipartisan? yea right) but now his own Party members are questioning his Stimulus Package. Not to mention he was already having issues agree with Pelosi. Now we have a not so punctual President. According to, it seems that scheduled meetings and news conferences run on "Obama Time", meaning that rather than being punctual like Former President Bush, Obama gets there when he wants and the meetings and conference start when he gets there. Now I'm sure some will argue that Obama is a busy man and is bound to be late to some appointments. But then ever since Obama won the elections he could have smoked pot, got caught drunk driving, fumbled the inagural speech or even fail to pay his taxes and his precious followers would have forgave him and pass it as "he's only human".

This is definitely change in the US. You get what you pay for. Enjot it.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 10, 2009

Oh wait a sec, wasn't it Dr Guy who said there was nothing wrong with bestiality as long as the animal wasn't being harmed?

Depending on the size of the Presidential Tool used, I might have said...lucky dog!



on Feb 10, 2009

SOME REP supported it??? WHAT? at best those were moderate conservatives AT BEST. Belive me there was not a whole heck of alot of support from teh Rep on that... first bail out... but you know once the numbers are shown to back up that a majority of REP didnt support it and in fact it was almost sweeping support from the Dems... the tone changed to... : well well some supported it!"


Bo nut riders crack me up. In fact I know of another one who thinks that more taxes are a great thing so we can expand even more gov and socailism is a good thing...

on Feb 10, 2009

Now since  I only saw bits of the time Bush spent at his ranch/ or Camp David on TV, Some of those periods of time I noticed he had VIPs and foreign leaders there. So I am going to step out on a limb and say he was possibly doing some work there from time to time. Of course you seem to know exactly what went on at these locations (perhaps you held the dog for him ), so who am I to tell you different right?

So lets be fair now, equal time for conservatives and liberals.

Care to analyze your current love interest's (BO) time at work over his four years in the Senate? Oh that's right he spent two years campaigning while drawing a Senators pay check, does that fall under "Hope" or "Change"? Now as you point out my arithmetic is not so good, I give Obama 1/2 the time spent doing his job. Now I didn't take into account the times that House was not in session, and the senators go home. Using your "Bush" logic, that equals vacation time. So using your superior liberal brain power (shouldn't be much of a strain) why don't you tell everyone how little BO did any real work? Come on you can do it, I have trust in you o'wise one. 

on Feb 10, 2009

Nitro Cruiser
Now since  I only saw bits of the time Bush spent at his ranch/ or Camp David on TV, Some of those periods of time I noticed he had VIPs and foreign leaders there. So I am going to step out on a limb and say he was possibly doing some work there from time to time. Of course you seem to know exactly what went on at these locations (perhaps you held the dog for him ), so who am I to tell you different right?

So lets be fair now, equal time for conservatives and liberals.

Care to analyze your current love interest's (BO) time at work over his four years in the Senate? Oh that's right he spent two years campaigning while drawing a Senators pay check, does that fall under "Hope" or "Change"? Now as you point out my arithmetic is not so good, I give Obama 1/2 the time spent doing his job. Now I didn't take into account the times that House was not in session, and the senators go home. Using your "Bush" logic, that equals vacation time. So using your superior liberal brain power (shouldn't be much of a strain) why don't you tell everyone how little BO did any real work? Come on you can do it, I have trust in you o'wise one. 

"snickers" dont throw out numbers like that!

on Feb 10, 2009

I recall several Democrats in the senate and around10 in Congress who refused to support this bill. Am I missing something here

Yes you are. Most (possibly even all - I cant be bothered to check all the minute details) democrats that supported the first bail out supported the second. None of the republicans that supported the first bail out supported the second. Given that the second had more (economic) justification than the first, that means that when it comes to hypocracy the republicans are the worst offenders in this case. I wouldn't expect you to see that though, since you seem blind to anything other than criticism of Obama.

on Feb 10, 2009

Yes you are. Most (possibly even all - I cant be bothered to check all the minute details) democrats that supported the first bail out supported the second. None of the republicans that supported the first bail out supported the second. Given that the second had more (economic) justification than the first, that means that when it comes to hypocracy the republicans are the worst offenders in this case. I wouldn't expect you to see that though, since you seem blind to anything other than criticism of Obama.

Dude, wake up and smell the coffee already. The bill did not pass with a Democrat controlled  Congress and Senate right off the back. If anything you shoulb be less concerned with what Republican is a hypocrit and more concerned with your own traders. Heh heh.

on Feb 10, 2009

Yes you are. Most (possibly even all - I cant be bothered to check all the minute details) democrats that supported the first bail out supported the second. None of the republicans that supported the first bail out supported the second. Given that the second had more (economic) justification than the first, that means that when it comes to hypocracy the republicans are the worst offenders in this case. I wouldn't expect you to see that though, since you seem blind to anything other than criticism of Obama.

Did you ever stop to think of the other possible explanation?  You know the one where those that voted for the bailout realized the err of their ways with how that bill hasn't done anything that it promised to do.  How does learning from past mistakes make them hypocrits?

on Feb 11, 2009


You know the one where those that voted for the bailout realized the err of their ways with how that bill hasn't done anything that it promised to do. How does learning from past mistakes make them hypocrits?
Precisely.  Those billions have disappeared into thin air, NO ONE knows (or will admit to) where they were spent, and they didn't have the intended consequences.

Why make the same mistake twice?

If this shit keeps up, we're going to have to print billions of new dollars, and if you think the economy is tanking NOW, wait until that happens.  Everyone will have tons of money, but we'll still be broke because a loaf of bread will be going for $50 bucks or more.

More money in the system = lower value of the dollars you have now.


LW ive tried explainign this to the BO goons that warship him, and I use the peso as an example...but that is to complicated for most of em to understand...after all its free money and move governement invasions into our lives and they could care less as long as there is "more for them"

on Feb 11, 2009


Yes you are. Most (possibly even all - I cant be bothered to check all the minute details) democrats that supported the first bail out supported the second. None of the republicans that supported the first bail out supported the second. Given that the second had more (economic) justification than the first, that means that when it comes to hypocracy the republicans are the worst offenders in this case. I wouldn't expect you to see that though, since you seem blind to anything other than criticism of Obama.
Did you ever stop to think of the other possible explanation?  You know the one where those that voted for the bailout realized the err of their ways with how that bill hasn't done anything that it promised to do.  How does learning from past mistakes make them hypocrits?


Ed why do people still insist on blaming the rep for the last bail out? Has it not been proven that for a matter of fact that there was very little Rep support for it and yet the Dems overwhelmingly voted for it? O thats right...because Bush okayed it that must mean its a Rep thing...even though bush pretty much threw away his rep lable in his second term

on Feb 11, 2009

Ed why do people still insist on blaming the rep for the last bail out? Has it not been proven that for a matter of fact that there was very little Rep support for it and yet the Dems overwhelmingly voted for it? O thats right...because Bush okayed it that must mean its a Rep thing...even though bush pretty much threw away his rep lable in his second term

I think it just comes down to standard politics, the previous President was a Republican and he spend most of his tenure with a Republican congress so everything must be their fault.  Personally I blame party politics for the entire mess, and that includes both parties.  Congress stopped being a check on the executive branch, even after the Dems took controll in 2006.  When you refuse to do your job and play party line politics all sorts of things go wrong, it's time for congress to step up and start representing the people again.  I know that isn't likely to happen but that is what needs to happen.

on Feb 13, 2009

Ed why do people still insist on blaming the rep for the last bail out? Has it not been proven that for a matter of fact that there was very little Rep support for it and yet the Dems overwhelmingly voted for it? O thats right...because Bush okayed it that must mean its a Rep thing...even though bush pretty much threw away his rep lable in his second term

The far left cultivates those thoughts in people. Relying on short term memory and the notion that the president does it all. Now that they are at bat they are hoping that things will somehow be different. So when the "it's all Bush's fault" mentality dissipate, and the dreaded short-term memory kicks in (it alway does) all the folks will see standing there is Obama and the Democrats, and someone got to pony up for the blame. It will be interesting who will point the finger at who first to save their own political @ss.

on Feb 18, 2009

Do you know why punctuality matters? these are SENATORS, they are greedy power grubbing guys who clawed their ways into some of the most powerful positions in this country. they demand respect, even from the president. Insulting them in such a manner is sure to get their knickers in a bunch.

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