I have to say that Obama has definitely proved he has brought change to the US Gov't for this new Era. Not only is Obama failing to get the Republicans to back his policies (bipartisan? yea right) but now his own Party members are questioning his Stimulus Package. Not to mention he was already having issues agree with Pelosi. Now we have a not so punctual President. According to Foxnews.com, it seems that scheduled meetings and news conferences run on "Obama Time", meaning that rather than being punctual like Former President Bush, Obama gets there when he wants and the meetings and conference start when he gets there. Now I'm sure some will argue that Obama is a busy man and is bound to be late to some appointments. But then ever since Obama won the elections he could have smoked pot, got caught drunk driving, fumbled the inagural speech or even fail to pay his taxes and his precious followers would have forgave him and pass it as "he's only human".
This is definitely change in the US. You get what you pay for. Enjot it.