OK, so now President Obama is talking about cutting the deficit in half before his first term; and his solutions? Something we all knew he would eventually do and many have said is a bad idea. Raise taxes on the rich during a recession and cut spending on the wars. I don't mind cutting spending on the Iraq war for we are doing pretty good over there but it all depends on how much he plans on cutting; then there is Afghanistan, a war Obama is actually in favor of and plans on sending more soldiers (if he hasn't done it already, can't remember). But raising taxes?
Maybe I'm just stupid or something, but how exactly does one go about preaching "fiscal responsibility" and claiming to want to cut the deficit in half within 4 years just after signing and approving the largest spending bill ever in US history? A bill passed in less than 2 weeks, claimed to have so much pork in it we can make a BBQ with it and still to this date we don't know the full details of this bill. I just don't get it, I just don't. Pet projects, spending money on things that will, obviously, not stimulate the economy, and to top it off not even give the bill a chance to be throughly examined before approving it leaving the entire nation wondering what exactly was in this bill.
But, who am I to judge, criticize or complain about this bill and President Obama's ideals? I have no political experience, no economics education, very little understanding on how the Gov't works. But wait... I am a tax payer. It's my money that is being thrown around like there is too much or it's endless so my say is probably bigger than even the Presidents himself. Why? Because it is us taxpayers who put him there, whether we voted for him or not.
Can someone please explain to me how does one approve a massive spending bill like the one Obama just approved and then a few weeks later claim to wanna cut the deficit in half? I must be too stupid to get it and am willing to have a clue given to me. If it makes sense of course.
BTW, those same people we are bailing out with all this money from both stimulus packages? They are the same rich people Obama plans on raising taxes. Or did you think poor people own the big 3 car companies, banks and all those other companies going under?