The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Following in my "giving President Obama a chance" series, I will post about President Obama's next act as President of the US. Bare in mind that this article will point towards an act that even his own people admit he will do and provided explanations as to why he will do it. The way I see it, I am giving him a chance and in the comment section I will express my feelings about this and would like to know what you readers think about this story.

According to several sources online (see bottom for links) President Obama will sign the omnibus spending bill today (Mondey March 1st, 2009), a bill that, according to a watchdog group called Taxpayers for Common Sense , has at least 8600 earmarks totaling around $7.7 billion. During Obama's campaign for President he pledged to cut earmark spending to 1994 levels (or less than $7.8 billion a year). On the White House website it clearly states the following:

Cut Pork Barrel Spending: As a Senator, President Obama introduced and passed bipartisan legislation that would require more disclosure and transparency for special-interest earmarks. Obama and Biden believe that spending that cannot withstand public scrutiny cannot be justified. Obama and Biden will slash earmarks to no greater than 1994 levels and ensure all spending decisions are open to the public.

White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag said the follwoing:

"This is last year's business. We want to just move on. Let's get this bill done, get it into law and move forward,"

Basically Peter Orszag is saying that while President Obama will be signing a bill that would break the pledge he made during his campaign and is also found on the White House website, because this is "last years business", they just want to get it out of the way and move on.

What do you think about this story? Article Article Page

on Mar 02, 2009

Comments a bit slow on JU lately.

on Mar 02, 2009

Charles I hear that BO wanted his name removed off the earmark (s) that were in this bill so no one would know exactly who wrote them

on Mar 03, 2009

White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag said the follwoing:

"This is last year's business. We want to just move on. Let's get this bill done, get it into law and move forward," 

Funny, I recall the Democrats didn't want to pass the omnibus spending bill last year, so they pushed it until now. What changed? How much added pork (both R & D) was added because they knew Obama wouldn't veto it?

on Mar 03, 2009

Nitro Cruiser

White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag said the follwoing:
"This is last year's business. We want to just move on. Let's get this bill done, get it into law and move forward," 

Funny, I recall the Democrats didn't want to pass the omnibus spending bill last year, so they pushed it until now. What changed? How much added pork (both R & D) was added because they knew Obama wouldn't veto it?
exactly my thinking