As I wrote on my article Giving President Obama a chance; to break a promise Obama basically broke his promise of bring down pork spending to 1994 levels when he signed the Omnibus Spending bill. But Democrats can’t take all the blame for this shameful waste of money during a time when “fiscal responsibility”. as per Obama’s own words, should be this Administrations priority.
For those who think some of us here on JU only have one agenda, to criticize everything Obama and the Democrat related, here’s one I’m sure you gonna love and I expect you recognize we can point fingers to our own party when they too screw up.
According to an article on Yahoo! News (Link) 40% of the $7.6 Billion in pork spending found on the Omnibus Spending bill Obama was to sign this week came from Republican members.
Even Arizona Rep Jeff Flake (R) admitted to Hannity that this was true:
FLAKE: Believe me, some of — some of my colleagues and myself have been arguing this for years. It was devastating today when the Democrats were able to come out and say, "Well, Republicans have 40 percent of these earmarks," and it was true. And we really can't separate ourselves from the Democrats as long as we continue to do this. So I'm with you there. We just can't get our colleagues to do it.
I’ll be one of the first to say that it’s a shame that our own Representatives would be so hypocritical as to add pork spending to this bill while criticizing Democrats for spending this country into socialism. Even if the Democrats had the bigger piece of the pork pie, that doesn’t excuse the Republicans for trying to get their own hands on money we should not be spending. Politics as usual have not stopped and President Obama is not making it any better by breaking his promises. This was his chance to not only keep his promise but to also deal a blow to the Republicans. Do the crime, do the time, it’s what I believe in and no one is exempt.