It's not so much the time change that bugs me. Sure the inconvenience of having to reset most of the clocks around the house that don't have a connection to the Internet or the Atomic Clock and the adjustments to the loss or gain of an hour for a few days could annoy most people. But there in lies the real problem for me. Things like this that create irritating people who's soul purpose seems to be to make sure everyone else who's not already irritated, irritated like them.
Why do some people feel the need to share this feeling? How come is it I can't get a Friend to share in good times but don't seem to have a problem giving bad moments away even when you don't ask for it? They say misery likes company and it seems most people will make sure they have some.
Monday was not the best day I've ever had, but considering the time change and the adjustments that go with it, it's was an OK morning. I was just a little late to work today, nothing too serious. But as soon as I get to work and do the usual "Good mornings" to everyone and "how was your weekend" or "you know what I saw" chatting, I get slammed with a "you messed up Friday" reprimand. Wow, not what I was looking for so early in the morning. It's not like it was the end of the world or I was costing the company billions (millions is small money these days if you watch the news).
Things are already bad with my company that many have either been laid off or had their hours cut and we are still waiting for news on whether more cuts will follow. We now get hit with having management change that went from passive to military and others are basically sharing in the poundings with those below them over silly things. So apart from there not being any chances of promotions, no raises, no incentives (most if not all taken away), any little BS can get you fired (in the name of saving money); now we have to deal with attitude changes, feelings of grander and the desire to stay home and send the whole company to hell.
Man this day turned rotten really quick. Hows yours so far?