The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on March 10, 2009 By CharlesCS In Poetry

Did you ever try writing poems as a child? Maybe for that boy or girl you liked? I remember writing poems. I used a particular style I had seen someone else do that I thought was really cool at the time (and still do to this date). It involved using the persons name using each letter in their name to make the first word on each line of the poem. For example (the name chosen is random and not necessarily from someone in my past, just in case):


Sweet as honey

Always so true

Never so blue

Daring and bold

Radiant like gold

And diamonds too.

So what do you think? I'm sure the poem is a bit cheesy but considering i just made it up in a few minutes, it's not too bad. Besides, it was easier back then when I was making poems for girls I liked. Has anyone ever done this before? I'd like to see others take a shot at this kind of poem. keep in mind the name does not have to have a specific amount of letters. Just improvise.

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