The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on April 3, 2009 By CharlesCS In Blogging

A while back I wrote (or read, can't remember right now) an article about what would you do if you won the lottery. The answers can be many for everyone has different desires and with that amount of money, these desires can change very quickly.

Instead, I am more curious about your idea of vacation. Having this kind of money all of a sudden and dreaming of places you wish you could go to for vacation, where would you go for a vacation?

I thought I ask because our office has a lottery pool where one of the games we play can easily yield millions to each if we were ever so lucky to win and a conversation of what you would do with the money strung as it always does. We eventually focused on vacations and places we would travel to and others we would avoid.

This is what I have always dreamed of doing (got this idea from many movies since i was young). I have never been a big fan of traveling outside the US, especially when so many other countries dislike Americans, whether it be cause of our previous Administration of just because. And considering the US has plenty of rich history all across its 50 States, incredible sites to see, fantastic foods to try and not to mention every penny spent will be spent in our own economy; I'd say a 50 State Road Trip is the kind of trip I would definitely do if I had the money to do it and winning the lottery would be just the thing I need.

I would purchase a good RV with all the necessities and a few of the wants such as satellite TV, INTERNET and GPS. I would make a decent plan that would allow me to cover as much of, at least 48 of the States, as possible (not every inch of each State of course, but the more interesting routes). I would research ever RV part everywhere, restaurants and also hotels (I doubt I can be in an RV all the time). I would also bring along a small vehicle and maybe some scooters for local traveling without needing to take the whole RV. I would try to time my traveling to particular locations to match with local festivities, celebrations and even historical events.

I would keep a log of all the activities including photos and videos and post them on some of my fav sites such as JU, Facebook and maybe even create one of my own. I may even have one, like our local truck driver Mason who has a webcam in his truck while he drives across the country. My goal would be to at least travel all 50 States before I die, even if just to go thru them. Getting to Alaska and Hawaii obviously will be no picnic, I would have to travel by plane or boat to Hawaii (which would still be pretty cool and I might be able to travel with my RV to Alaska but might as well make it easier and fly there. I think this would be a great adventure, all the while still staying in contact with family and friends thru phone and INTERNET. Once I have traveled all 50 States and still have money to spare (Of course I would wisely invest some of the money to secure my future and that of my children) I may consider a trip to Australia and Japan. Seem like very interesting places to go and seem more friendlier (of course I could be wrong but...).

So what do you think? Where would you go and why?

on Apr 03, 2009

I would actually invest the money. For example, one of my dreams/goals is to start a film production company, as well as a music production company. I would likely put the money to use in those areas, as well as help my family out with finances and such.I would also love to build a completely off the grid house that runs completely on renewable energy, as well as made with recycled materials. i.e. a true green house.


That being said...if I chose a vacation:


I would travel the world via backpack. Seriously, I would love to go and do that. I even charted out a detailed plan on where i would go around the world and for how long. (Ideally I would love to go to every country, but since some of those places are dangerous I might not do that, heh)

