I'm not gonna be criticizing anyones blog here on JU. Everyone has the right to write about anything they want and who am I to criticize their articles? But I can't help but notice that for the past year I have seem some, how can I describe them, unusual articles that I can't help but wonder the purpose in which they were created.
When I first started blogging here, the one thing that caught my attention and made me a loyal blogger was the crazy articles people posted here. Everything from pointing out the stupidities of the average people, to current events, politics, local JUers complaints, computers stuff and more. Today, we see few of the good bloggers posting often and most of the them don't bare reply at all. Now I see quite often articles that don't usually make any sense to me.
Take bobotaro's blog. I checked many of his articles and noticed that he has no commenst on any of them and hardly and views, yet this blogger consistantly postes an arrticle just about every day. Then theres aamsaafan's blog who gets a comments once in a while witha few views, yet, like bobotaro, this blogger is consistent in post articles just about every day. Then there are the infrequent bloggers, people who post once in a while but their article also seem to not get much attention because either there is little info in the article to go on or the topic seems dull. Yet, they will post something similar every so often.
Maybe it's my idea of what a blog is all about. I come here looking for interesting opinions and sharing mine with the bloggers, whether it agrees with theirs or not, in the hopes of forming some kind of interesting debate that can yield an interesting learning or education experience and hope one can reach a middle ground on things. Yet when I see these blogs, I can't help but wonder what makes these people come back for more when they never get anything to begin with?
Is there more to blogging than waiting for a response, looking for a good debate or wondering if anyone agrees or disagrees? It's just wierd to me. It's like putting a dollar in a soda machine but not expecting to get a soda out of it.