According to CharlesCS Inteligence, The President of Moscow admitted to President Obama during the G20 meetings that US Inteligence of Iran was better than theirs. So after all the BS Moscow gave us about Iran and doing little to use their connection with Iran to stop them from proceeding with their nuclear ambitions, now they claim we had better info and that now they find themselves in a pickle for their lack of intel.
So, to use the excuse that many here use that Obama has only been in office for a few months so he has had very little time to accomplish anything good yet, I will give praise to former President Bush for making sure that our Inteligence Agencies had the best Intel possible on Iran since I know no one else will give Bush any points for this.
Way to go Bush, you did a great job. And lets also give President Obama some props too, his butt kissing, bowing and constant "I'm sorry" comments paid off after all.
CharlesCS Inteligence source