The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

The maker of the infamous Chia Pet colletion, Joseph Pedott, was surprised to find out that, after having it on sale for about a week, Walgreens decided to remove the Special Edition Chia Obama Chia Pet for fears of offending customers. It seems that Walgreens, who had first agreed to sell the product and already had it on the shalves for a week, felt that a Chia head that grew plants to resemble an afro on Presedent Obama might be offensive to their customers and chose to back out of the product. Padott was upset at the idea that his product could have a racist concept in it.

"Obama had an Afro -- does that make him racist?" Pedott said. "So how the hell do you get racist out of it? And number one, you can give him a haircut."

Would you consider a Chia head of President Obama to be racist? If so why? Afros have always been a part of the Black community and I, personally, can not see how this can be offensive. President Bush had a cartoon, a movie, bobble-heads, impersonators and more that focused on making fun of him; but why would something like this be insulting to Obama fans when it was not meant to be insulting?

I think this is taking things too far. Obama has not created union, he has created fear. This is a shame.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 09, 2009

I remember reading about this. :shakes head:'s messed up.

I guess Obama will have to do something about that. Ohh, how about:



I think this is taking things too far. Obama has not created union, he has created fear. This is a shame.

Woah, talk about a total jump in logic. I wouldn't say Obama has, so much as society has. We've all fallen for it; you, me, joe down the street. Obama is just another part of the whole shebang.






on Apr 09, 2009

Obama has not created union, he has created fear.

How so?  Did Obama personally complain?


Society has this politically correct stick up its ass for the time being.  Everyone's afraid of offending someone and some people set out to be offended.  Just another iteration of latent fear and mistrust of other people that are different.

Also, who the hell even buys chia pets?


on Apr 09, 2009

Society has this politically correct stick up its ass for the time being. Everyone's afraid of offending someone and some people set out to be offended. Just another iteration of latent fear and mistrust of other people that are different.

Thank you Zoo - you put into words what I've been thinking for a looong time, kudos.



on Apr 09, 2009

Thank you Zoo - you put into words what I've been thinking for a looong time, kudos.

No problem.  I'm pretty good with words.  It comes from years of BSing school papers.


on Apr 09, 2009

No problem. I'm pretty good with words. It comes from years of BSing school papers.

Like what my rhetorics instructor says, "You can usually say what you want to say in any college level research paper with a single paragraph all the way up to two pages; the rest is just fluf, BS."




on Apr 09, 2009

Never had a chia pet but I'd like one of these. Might be one of the few ways he can directly stimulate the economy.

on Apr 09, 2009

Never had a chia pet but I'd like one of these. Might be one of the few ways he can directly stimulate the economy.

Yeah, and they're taking away that opportunity.

on Apr 09, 2009

Society has this politically correct stick up its ass for the time being. Everyone's afraid of offending someone and some people set out to be offended. Just another iteration of latent fear and mistrust of other people that are different.

Woah, talk about a total jump in logic. I wouldn't say Obama has, so much as society has. We've all fallen for it; you, me, joe down the street. Obama is just another part of the whole shebang.

LOL, Bush was accused of dividing the country but Obama is just a part of the problem? I continue to be amazed as to how Obama gets a pass on everything Bush was accused of. Obama can do no wrong, best way to describe this.

Never had a chia pet but I'd like one of these. Might be one of the few ways he can directly stimulate the economy.

LOL, yea people can put this next to the commemorative plate and coin.

on Apr 10, 2009

I continue to be amazed as to how Obama gets a pass on everything Bush was accused of. Obama can do no wrong, best way to describe this.

Oh, he can do wrong.  That DVD gift was a bad move.  I mean, Bush had secret offshore prisons where people were tortured, but yeah...DVDs are a pretty bad gift.


Actually, my comment was on society as a whole.  I don't see how Obama is contributing to the sort of behavior you described.  I see people around him acting that way because they're afraid they might piss him (or some other black person) off.  If Obama held a press conference about the afro chia pets...then perhaps I could see the connection.


on Apr 10, 2009

Oh, he can do wrong. That DVD gift was a bad move. I mean, Bush had secret offshore prisons where people were tortured, but yeah...DVDs are a pretty bad gift.


Not necessarily. I love film/movies, and DVD's would be a great gift; now, about my wish list....



on Apr 11, 2009

I mean, Bush had secret offshore prisons where people were tortured, but yeah...DVDs are a pretty bad gift.

It's torture when you don't get sliced bananas in your cornflakes, right? Being coddled in a tropical paradise is the pits (I've been there). Where your concern for captured US soldiers? Oh that's right there aren't any, they are killed and mutilated if time permits. But that's OK, we should be more worried that the Gitmo detainees TV is working properly. God forbid we treat them like prisoners, that would be immoral for people that want you dead.

We just need Obama to go down there, bow to each one of them and tell them how bad America is in case they missed it on the evening news.

on Apr 14, 2009

It's torture when you don't get sliced bananas in your cornflakes, right? Being coddled in a tropical paradise is the pits

I was thinking more like razor blading people's genitals.


on Apr 14, 2009


It's torture when you don't get sliced bananas in your cornflakes, right? Being coddled in a tropical paradise is the pits
I was thinking more like razor blading people's genitals.



:Shudders: Oooooouch!


It's torture when you don't get sliced bananas in your cornflakes, right? Being coddled in a tropical paradise is the pits (I've been there). Where your concern for captured US soldiers? Oh that's right there aren't any, they are killed and mutilated if time permits. But that's OK, we should be more worried that the Gitmo detainees TV is working properly. God forbid we treat them like prisoners, that would be immoral for people that want you dead.

We just need Obama to go down there, bow to each one of them and tell them how bad America is in case they missed it on the evening news.

Or waterboarding, etc. Yup, it's all so much fun for them. This doesn't account for the fact that some, if not a majority of them were never terrorists. (And don't give me the crap of, "Oh well we don't know, so it's better to..." That's an excuse, not a reason.)



on Apr 15, 2009

I was thinking more like razor blading people's genitals.

I'd need more proof then those "poor, tortured innocents" word, that just woke up in Cuba for no good reason. How upset were you when those two captured US soldiers had their genitals removed (among other things) and their bodies booby trapped in an attempt to kill some others? I would prefer our worse treatment to their "kindness". Yeah, yeah, you say we should be better than them... well we are...they are not tortured to death. How many of them have been returned to the battlefield now? Sixty? Wonder how many more deaths they incurred. In one thing I do agree with you, most of them should never have been brought to Gitmo, they should have been left rotting, the same fate any of their prisoners can expect. I don't want my tax dollars keeping these bastards on the catch and release program. You can prove me wrong by taking your next vacation in the Swat valley of Pakistan. I'll admit I was wrong upon your return. 

Or waterboarding, etc. Yup, it's all so much fun for them. This doesn't account for the fact that some, if not a majority of them were never terrorists. (And don't give me the crap of, "Oh well we don't know, so it's better to..." That's an excuse, not a reason.)

Yeah, I always vacation at battlefields. How unlucky can you get. Must have thought those soldiers they were shooting at were mountain goats or the terrorist camp was a bed and breakfast. Explain to me what reason would it be to anyones benefit to pick up someone for no reason whatsoever? So quick to believe. What is the first thing most every criminal says? I wasn't me, I didn't do it! We must really enjoy the expense of keeping these poor unfortunates clothed, sheltered and fed.

US special forces under go waterbaording "torture" as part of their training. Are you saying we should treat the enemy better than our troops? Maybe if you lost someone to terrorism you'd have a sightly different outlook. Or, better yet if you knew a family member would die unless information was extracted. Hard to see what is really going on from the top of the ivory tower isn't it? Be glad someone is able to do what your kind sensibilities are unable to do, for all our families sake, or don't liberals die at the hands of terrorists? Nobody is forcing them to commit these acts, they can stop any time they want to.

It must be wonderful living in the ?buy the world a coke" world. Just realize some people out there want US citizens dead, they don't care if you're liberal or conservative. If you want to be a useful fool for their cause, that's your right. They like that, until your services are no longer needed. You know, the thoughts are probably the same in most peoples mind just before the blade slices through their neck. I bet one thing that victim won't be thinking..."I hope these guys are treated with dignity if they are ever captured".

on Apr 15, 2009

Where do we draw the line?  Once you open the floodgates to that kind of won't stop.  We shouldn't allow the government to torture the shit out of people...even if they're sick fucks.  Kill them at least, but torturing using the justification that they're our enemy and not Americans is fucked.  I get the rationalization for it...I'd probably torture the hell out of somoene who hurt the people around me...but that's because I'm a cold hearted bastard in circumstances like that.  I do not, however, think it should be a government policy. Just because extremist groups do some crazy shit doesn't give us validation for similar behavior. 

We have a thing about cruel and unusual punishment, don't we?  Should we just cast aside whatever values and laws the country has for convience's sake?  Because we're pissed off?  Is that how a government should work? 


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