The maker of the infamous Chia Pet colletion, Joseph Pedott, was surprised to find out that, after having it on sale for about a week, Walgreens decided to remove the Special Edition Chia Obama Chia Pet for fears of offending customers. It seems that Walgreens, who had first agreed to sell the product and already had it on the shalves for a week, felt that a Chia head that grew plants to resemble an afro on Presedent Obama might be offensive to their customers and chose to back out of the product. Padott was upset at the idea that his product could have a racist concept in it.
"Obama had an Afro -- does that make him racist?" Pedott said. "So how the hell do you get racist out of it? And number one, you can give him a haircut."
Would you consider a Chia head of President Obama to be racist? If so why? Afros have always been a part of the Black community and I, personally, can not see how this can be offensive. President Bush had a cartoon, a movie, bobble-heads, impersonators and more that focused on making fun of him; but why would something like this be insulting to Obama fans when it was not meant to be insulting?
I think this is taking things too far. Obama has not created union, he has created fear. This is a shame.