The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

What a sad day this is becoming when a problem such as this swine flu, which has people all across the US scared, is being used as a political weapon by the Democrats to continue to deal blows against the GOP.

Some Democrats and Liberal bloggers are pointing fingers at Republican lawmakers who stripped out funding in the recent Stimulus Bill for "pandemic flu preparedness". So the country is currently going thru a really serious scare that could turn into panic and chaos due to a flu that has killed many i Mexico and is spreading fast thru the US with many reports in several states and all the Democrats in this country can do is find a way to blame the Republicans if this gets out of hand?

To take Michelle Obama's words and tweak them a bit, for the first time in my life I am ashamed of my countrymen. To use such a terrible situation and turn it into a ploy to turn people against a political party is disgusting and shameful no matter who does it. This swine flu epidemic should be something that should unite us in the fight against a virus that will see no race, gender, religion, age or political affiliation. Our Gov't officials and the American people should be working together to make sure this epidemic is contained, controlled and to make sure the American people are as prepared as possible for the worse. Instead, they are out there pointing fingers, using scare tactics and playing blame games.

Come on people. Regardless of race, gender, religion, age or political affiliation, we are all Americans here (those who are citizen anyways) and while many of us have different opinions on how things should be done, politically or not, we should be working to unite ourselves during a time those who consider us enemies are working to make themselves stronger, during a time when nature decides to show us it's true powers, during a time when diseases begin to spread at a fast pace and even during a time when those running the country are not the ones we voted for. Our politicians and those who use politics as a weapon are doing a better job at keeping us separated, categorized, stereotyped and divided rather than reminding us that in the end, no matter our differences, we are all Americans fighting for the same thing; a better country for our children, for our families, for our friends and especially for ourselves.

There is nothing wrong with having a difference of opinions. But there is something wrong when some use these differences to hurt others, to separate, to divide, for greed, for glory and for selfishness. For better or for worse, we are Americans, we are one nation, under God (or not, to be "fair"), indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


on Apr 28, 2009

I could not agree more.  The article I read about this annoyed the hell out of me. 

on Apr 28, 2009

People are panicked because the government wants panic. We are told it is bad so it is bad. By the way, how many people has this thing killed? How many people has the N-5 flu killed? I remember the last time we panicked over swine flu; the government rushed the vaccine out. One person died from the flu and 500 were hurt by the vaccine. Wish we had GWB back in the driver’s seat he was not prone to panic till the end of his administration.

on Apr 28, 2009

Look, it's one thing to pick on some issues to place blame on someone for fouling up, but this? This is shameful to the extreme. I will honestly be shocked if anyone actually makes an excuse for this.

on Apr 28, 2009

Come on people. Regardless of race, gender, religion, age or political affiliation, we are all Americans here (those who are citizen anyways) and while many of us have different opinions on how things should be done, politically or not, we should be working to unite ourselves during a time those who consider us enemies are working to make themselves stronger, during a time when nature decides to show us it's true powers, during a time when diseases begin to spread at a fast pace and even during a time when those running the country are not the ones we voted for. Our politicians and those who use politics as a weapon are doing a better job at keeping us separated, categorized, stereotyped and divided rather than reminding us that in the end, no matter our differences, we are all Americans fighting for the same thing; a better country for our children, for our families, for our friends and especially for ourselves.


Bingo, I agree whole heartedly! (Holy shoot, that's three times many days?)



on Apr 28, 2009

So if I'm understanding you right, if government A ignores a particular threat that has the potential to cost thousands upon thousands of lives, and then that danger turns into a reality and does cost such lives, if government B takes over just prior to that, with the country clearly not ready to tackle such a threat, they're not to apportion any blame on the previous government? That is, the previous government bears no responsibility for those deaths?


What if instead of a flu pandemic it's a terrorist attack - government A slashes the budget for counter-terrorism almost to zero for many years. Government B takes over and a few weeks later there is a major terrorist attack. Government B isn't to put any blame on A for slashing that counter-terrorism budget?


Now the above are presuming the blame is founded - unfounded claims to score political points in such times are a totally different matter.

on Apr 28, 2009

As for the original topic, unfortunately that's what the world has come to. Levering for every chance to show up the other guy or to prove that they're somehow better. Politics has been like that for a LONG time, though they don't often stoop that low. Politicians already dig through every scrap of each other's past and dig out the dirty laundry, whether theirs or someone else's.

And as for the post above. It's amazing how many people blamed Bush for things that actually were put through in Clinton's administration, and now you're saying the same thing is happening to Obama. Wow, what a shock! I mean it's not like that's ever happened before. *rolls eyes* It's not like the whole nation didn't want justice after 9/11. It's not like you can pretend that we can go in, take over a country and be out the next day and expect everything to be all good to go. As for the current economic "crisis", it's amazing how many analysists think that the current "bail-outs" are a bad idea and are contributing to the "crash" as it would seem by just sitting there and waiting. After all that's what you do when a market has some unseen influence, you wait and try to create a model where you can preditct it's influence, however this influence changes.

I'm sorry that there is a lessened budget to deal with the outbreak, but there's only so much that money can do for such an outbreak anyways. It's not like you know an outbreak is going to happen before it does. They're dealing with it the best way that they can at the moment, and that's all that we could ever do. It's just that the government is having to deal with what many people have had to deal with for decades, a limited supply of funds. Maybe we should think about the lifetime salaries that many politicians end up having.... that might be a good pool of cash to start off with.

on Apr 28, 2009

Bingo, I agree whole heartedly! (Holy shoot, that's three times many days?)

on Apr 28, 2009

The hysteria over this reminds me of SARS and the flu vaccine shortage (blamed on Bush, of course).  I don't wish illness or death on anyone (not even GITMO prisoners ), in fact I work every day to avoid or forestall both, but the media are so pathetic.  They can't deliver an honest story soberly framed to save their lives.  And the false assumptions breathlessly embraced by the politicians are worse yet.

Makes me wanna puke.

on Apr 29, 2009

The hysteria over this reminds me of SARS and the flu vaccine shortage (blamed on Bush, of course).  I don't wish illness or death on anyone (not even GITMO prisoners ), in fact I work every day to avoid or forestall both, but the media are so pathetic.  They can't deliver an honest story soberly framed to save their lives.  And the false assumptions breathlessly embraced by the politicians are worse yet.

Makes me wanna puke.

I have to agree with that! Media hype runs rampant, whatever they have to do to sell a newspaper or seven.

on Apr 29, 2009

So if I'm understanding you right, if government A ignores a particular threat that has the potential to cost thousands upon thousands of lives, and then that danger turns into a reality and does cost such lives, if government B takes over just prior to that, with the country clearly not ready to tackle such a threat, they're not to apportion any blame on the previous government? That is, the previous government bears no responsibility for those deaths?

I think you missed the point or what the story was about. This is not about blaming the Bush administration for not being ready for this possible epidemic. The story does not talk about that. This is about there being a portion of that stimulus crap of a bill that would have put more money (key word "more") into preparedness for this kind of things and it's being claimed that the Republicans are responsible for removing it, which I have not confirmed to be true yet. Feel free to post any links to proof.

Here's what bugs me, we are suppose to be under an administration voted by these same people who are posting this crap that is suppose to unite the country. This is not uniting, this is dividing by pointing fingers at opposing parties for something that has not happened yet and we don't know if it was necessary and it's not like we can't get the necessary money anyways. This is ridiculous, sad and shameful. We should be uniting to face and fight this, not separating ourselves.

Shame on you for looking for an excuse.

on Apr 29, 2009

Do you mean a candidate is actually suppose to keep campaign promises? That would mean hope and change, and this administration will have none of that (unless you consider undoing policies that kept us safe as change, or higher taxes, or bigger government).

on Apr 29, 2009

Do you mean a candidate is actually suppose to keep campaign promises?

You know, one of the biggest complaints from the liberals about Mr. Bush was that he was actually keeping his promises he used to get elected. They were shocked that he was doing this and complained about it in the press. What does this say about liberals and the things they promise?