The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

I'm not sure what the problem is. I started hanging around JU about 5 years ago and found it interesting to write articles about things I believed in and was willing to debate with others about. As time went by it got harder to write something and even harder to finish something I had started to write.

I recently started using this program called Zoundry Raven to post articles on JU. It's hasn't been perfect, causing problems when I view the article online from the main page, but it's a pretty good program none the less. Well, the one thing about this program, which I thought was a good feature, is it keeps a copy of any article written in it under unpublished until, obviously, it's published. It keeps track of the published ones as well but not as the main screen. As I mentioned, at first I thought this feature was good, but now I find it somewhat annoying. Why? Well, it continues to remind me of the articles I have yet to finish and no matter how many times I open them, I can't seem to remove them from the unpublished section. It's as if I have writers block, as if I can find a good way to start a topic but can't seem to finish it once I get started.

This really sucks. I can't seem to figure out why I can't finish any of those articles. I even had problems finishing this one. Could it be that JU has changed so much, so many of the people I got to know and who were great debater, interesting commentators and had funny short fuse tempers? I miss a lot of them, this site use to be very interesting, fun and very educational. Now, it's based a lot around Stardock products with a few interesting articles in between and some really weird ones. JU is still a pretty good site compared to some I have checked out, there are still some pretty good people left here and odds are new one will show up are are starting to post already. I just hope I can pull myself out of thise slump and start getting some articles out there.

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