If there was ever anything that Obama has done that would make me question his ability to lead this country it's his pick as Vice President, Joe Biden. Sure, he has done many things that have already made me question his ability to lead this country, but Joe Biden takes the cake. What was Obama thinking, picking a man who gives a whole new meaning to the words "motormouth" and "chatterbox", a man who talks first and never thinks later, a man who makes Former President Bush's word fumbles look like they came from a genius? Biden, the man has the uncanny ability to say all the wrong things at the right times making the Obama Administration look foolish, ignorant or even stupid.
Biden's most recent blunder? Biden told several law enforcement groups that Sotomayor "has their backs" giving the impression that civil rights won't matter much because law enforcent will always be right. Of course Biden's comments can be seen in many other, more positive ways; but there is that old saying "if you can't say something good, then don't say anything at all". This comment was not good at all, especially since Sotomayor's confirmation is still in the process and being questioned by many over her comments about her being better suited for the job over white men because she is a Latino woman.
Obama made a big mistake chosing Biden as his Vice President. I can't help but wonder how anyone who made a poor choice in a Vice President could possibly make good decisions for this country. I wonder even more how most people are blind to this. Ignorance is bliss, for the Obama Administration.