The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

You know, it's funny how so many people fell for the whole concept that Obama would not raise taxes on, what was it, 95% of Americans? That would be true I guess, if 95% of Americans did not have work cell phones. Now, obviously, 95% or Americans don't have work cell phones, but I bet there are more than 5%.

Be careful, dinner at home or you funny business with the mistress may cost you extra since it seems the IRS is interested in making money off your msg to you spouse that you might be running late tonight. Need to tell you little lady at home that you are running late to your dinner date? It's gonna cost you extra. Calling home to see if bread and butter may be required for tomorrows breakfast? It's gonna cost you extra. Need to call your kid to see if he made it home from school? There goes his weekly allowance.

Ah, most of us knew all this Obama spending spree would have to be funded somehow and most of us are smart enough to know that no politician is dumb enough to only tax 5% of a possible 100% of people that can be taxed. I think The Shawn Hannity Radio Show theme has the perfect phrase in it:

"Hold on to your wallets, your taxes are ready to go sky high!"

This is not just the beginning, this is also the end. Exageration? Sure, but one that makes a point and I would rather exagearte if it gets peoples attention. Have fun.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 14, 2009

What's so ironic is that McCain was demonized by the Obama campaign for proposing to tax health care benefits during the election.  Obama said he would not do so.  Now Obama wants to do just that.

on Jun 14, 2009

That 5% can afford to leave anytime they want to. Not saying they will as that group includes some of the very people driving the US toward socialism.

Why would they want to leave if they are "more equal?"  (In reference to Animal Farm, in which some animals were more equal than others, therefore receiving more benefits/rations, etc.)


on Jun 15, 2009

Why would they want to leave if they are "more equal?" (In reference to Animal Farm, in which some animals were more equal than others, therefore receiving more benefits/rations, etc.)

The only equality at stake seems to be how "equally" the monies you earn are redistributed among those that don't earn or earn less. Why work harder to pull up those that can't or won't pull themselves up? Do you feel socialism equalizes people? Maybe the masses, but there will always be someone better than equal. Some people that are considered wealthy still will not fit into this privileged class. They will be the ones that leave, in order to spare the fruits of their labor from the never ending flock of crows waiting to pick it clean.

on Jun 15, 2009

 Wow Nitro... that's three times now you have attempted to twist what I have said.  Way to attempt to paint me as a supporter of socialism... 

Do you feel socialism equalizes people? Maybe the masses, but there will always be someone better than equal.

That was exactly my point, thus the "more equal" than others comment.  Which, again, is in reference to the book Animal Farm.  If you still aren't comprehending that, I suggest you go read the book.  I do not support socialism for America.  Is that clear enough for you?


on Jun 15, 2009

Wow Nitro... that's three times now you have attempted to twist what I have said. Way to attempt to paint me as a supporter of socialism...

Not my intent at all, sorry if you took it that way.

on Jun 15, 2009

That was exactly my point, thus the "more equal" than others comment. Which, again, is in reference to the book Animal Farm. If you still aren't comprehending that, I suggest you go read the book. I do not support socialism for America. Is that clear enough for you?

The book Animal farm is more less an allegory of Socialism and makes a case against it.  I believe that this is what Tears was trying to present this case using the example of the pigs in the story.  It seems to me that both of you are essentially on the same page but saying it very different ways?

on Jun 15, 2009

It seems to me that both of you are essentially on the same page but saying it very different ways?


on Jun 15, 2009

It seems to me that both of you are essentially on the same page but saying it very different ways?


And here lies the problem with this country. Adventure-Dude reached the determination that both S&JT and Nitro were speaking the same thing yet instead of taking the fight to the Gov't, they fight amongst each other which is basically the Gov'ts goal. Kinda funny how Bush was accused of dividing the nation yet Obama seems to be incapable of uniting it as he promised he would.

on Jun 15, 2009

Kinda funny how Bush was accused of dividing the nation yet Obama seems to be incapable of uniting it as he promised he would.

Two thoughts: first his idea of unification is through a socialist like system, which continues to polarize.  Second, how can anyone expect one man to unify an entire country? 

It wont be the government that unifies, it will be the people that commit to unity despite the government, and the talking heads.

And here lies the problem with this country. Adventure-Dude reached the determination that both S&JT and Nitro we speaking the same thing yet instead of taking the fight to the Gov't,

Wouldn't say it was a "fight" so much as a misunderstanding... he presented his comments seemingly as arguments to what I was saying, though what he argued was parrallel to what I had said.  Perhaps it was my comprehension of his comments, or his comprehension of mine, either way, wouldn't say it was a "fight."

As for taking misunderstandings to the government... the government as it is right now seems to encourage those misunderstandings with propaganda about the other side, instead of seeking to clear them up.

on Jun 15, 2009

they can't turn off their politicians

On the contrary, we can, but we won't and don't.

heh, while everyone is pointing fingers at everyone else - whether it be the politicians or people doing it -  the simple thing is, we're the ones that got ourselves here.


Kinda funny how Bush was accused of dividing the nation yet Obama seems to be incapable of uniting it as he promised he would.


Unless we can put aside our differences, democrat or republican (or independent, green, etc.) - then we will fall. That's the biggest problem; most people don't shut their ideologically brainwashed traps to just think, and listen.

Example: You've got atheists on one side, and theists on the other - you think either group truly listens? No, they're just yapping their mouths off, pushing their agendas and stoking fires. Next, you've got Republcians versus Democrats - both are primarily idiotic, and yet we vote them in.The list goes on and on and on.

So, who's the idiot? Who do we truly blame for ruining our country? Granted, the politicians and others have just as much blame, but we're the ones that are at the root of it all.  We're the ones that ultimately have the tools, the stop it. Do we?

Nope, just ask the millions of Obama supporters. Insanity - doing the same thing and expecting different results. Yup, we're certifiably insane.

How's that for a dose of cynicism?



on Jun 15, 2009

Wouldn't say it was a "fight" so much as a misunderstanding... he presented his comments seemingly as arguments to what I was saying, though what he argued was parrallel to what I had said. Perhaps it was my comprehension of his comments, or his comprehension of mine, either way, wouldn't say it was a "fight."

This is what I think is happening from my POV. 


on Jun 15, 2009

This is what I think is happening from my POV.

On this board, or in general?


on Jun 15, 2009

On this board, or in general?

I'm refering to the last few exchanges between you and Nitro.  It seems to me that you two are essentially on the same plane and same direction just parallel from each other (to use your graphical expression).

on Jun 15, 2009

Adventure-Dude reached the determination that both S&JT and Nitro were speaking the same thing yet instead of taking the fight to the Gov't, they fight amongst each other which is basically the Gov'ts goal.

It was hardly a fight. S&JT was referencing a book I haven't read, and I was amplifying the situation as I see it. My questions were rhetorical, sorry for any misunderstandings.

on Jun 15, 2009

I'm refering to the last few exchanges between you and Nitro. It seems to me that you two are essentially on the same plane and same direction just parallel from each other (to use your graphical expression).

Thank you for the clarification. 

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