The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

You know, it's funny how so many people fell for the whole concept that Obama would not raise taxes on, what was it, 95% of Americans? That would be true I guess, if 95% of Americans did not have work cell phones. Now, obviously, 95% or Americans don't have work cell phones, but I bet there are more than 5%.

Be careful, dinner at home or you funny business with the mistress may cost you extra since it seems the IRS is interested in making money off your msg to you spouse that you might be running late tonight. Need to tell you little lady at home that you are running late to your dinner date? It's gonna cost you extra. Calling home to see if bread and butter may be required for tomorrows breakfast? It's gonna cost you extra. Need to call your kid to see if he made it home from school? There goes his weekly allowance.

Ah, most of us knew all this Obama spending spree would have to be funded somehow and most of us are smart enough to know that no politician is dumb enough to only tax 5% of a possible 100% of people that can be taxed. I think The Shawn Hannity Radio Show theme has the perfect phrase in it:

"Hold on to your wallets, your taxes are ready to go sky high!"

This is not just the beginning, this is also the end. Exageration? Sure, but one that makes a point and I would rather exagearte if it gets peoples attention. Have fun.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 12, 2009

Hmm... okay...

So assuming that a work phone is around $50.00 a month.  (This may be high, or low, it's really not the point I am about to attempt to make.)  A quarter of $50.00 is 12.50, and the average tax on cell phone services is about 6.9%.  So that would be an increase of $.86 per month.  

Why are you trying to sensationalize that?

Oh, and Obama is a politican.  He lied.  Bush lied.  OUR GOVERNMENT IS CORRUPT, and full of liars from BOTH PARTIES.  If you don't like it, stop electing out of the two parties that have run our country into ground. 

I want to know when people will actually begin to understand that...

PS: People like Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter are all full of it.  They make money off of polarizing the country, and don't honestly care what happens as long as it gives them something to decry.  If they cared, they would attempt to join Americans together so that we could fix our government, not try to polarize America.

on Jun 12, 2009

So assuming that a work phone is around $50.00 a month. (This may be high, or low, it's really not the point I am about to attempt to make.) A quarter of $50.00 is 12.50, and the average tax on cell phone services is about 6.9%. So that would be an increase of $.86 per month.

Why are you trying to sensationalize that?

Your comment reminds me of a scene in the movie "A Bugs Life". I have kids so I watch lots of movies. The scene was that the grasshoppers did not want to waste their time going back to the ant colony when they believed the ants were already afraid of them but their leader felt otherwise. The grasshopper leader wanted to prove a point by taking a single seed from the bottle behind him saying it represented and ant and throwing it one of his followers asking him "did that hurt?", the he pulled another and threw it at another of his followers and asked him if it hurt and they both said no. He then processed to pull the cork on the bottle releasing all the seeds at once on to the 2 grasshoppers burrying them under a mountain of seeds.

My point? Same as his. You let one unnecessary, small, harmless tax get approved and that is the signal for our Gov't to continue to pass, unnecessary, small, harmless taxes and like the seeds pouring out of the bottle, all these unnecessary, small harmless taxes together add up. But that's OK

Oh, and Obama is a politican. He lied. Bush lied. OUR GOVERNMENT IS CORRUPT, and full of liars from BOTH PARTIES. If you don't like it, stop electing out of the two parties that have run our country into ground.

I want to know when people will actually begin to understand that...

True, but what is really sad is that rather than facing the current administration, you would rather continue to let them get away with rapping this country and wait for the next election to teach them a lesson. Yes our Gov't is corrupt, but what do we do, accpet the current administration and just wait till we get another chance to stick it to them in the next elections? When your life is on the line, do you wait for an opportunity to save yourself or do you make that opportunity happen?

The reason our Gov't is corrupt is not only because we keep voting in worthless leaders. It is because we sit back and do nothing once we do. It is the inaction of many that has destroyed this country.

PS: People like Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter are all full of it. They make money off of polarizing the country, and don't honestly care what happens as long as it gives them something to decry. If they cared, they would attempt to join Americans together so that we could fix our government, not try to polarize America.

If you wanna be serious about this you may want to add all radio and to show host. But i would take it one step further and say that politicians do a better job at polarizing this nation because, unlike TV and radio show host, people tend to trust in their chosen leaders and these chosen leaders will do anything to maintain that leadership position, even lie and polarize the American people. I would not say these radio and TV show host do not care about this country, their power is limited to the people they reach and the money they get from their shows. Politicians have the entire nations resources at their disposal, too much power, not enough restrictions.

on Jun 12, 2009


True, but what is really sad is that rather than facing the current administration, you would rather continue to let them get away with rapping this country and wait for the next election to teach them a lesson. Yes our Gov't is corrupt, but what do we do, accpet the current administration and just wait till we get another chance to stick it to them in the next elections? When your life is on the line, do you wait for an opportunity to save yourself or do you make that opportunity happen?

I have an extreme opinion when it comes to this, and not one that is particuraly logical, as it is based on certain feelings I have.  Before the election hoohah even began, before the preliminaries, I was watching the news as they discussed the canidates they expected to put in for the election.  I had a sudden... feeling... that the 2008 election was going to be the last election America would have in a very, very, very long time.

Of course, something extreme would have to happen in order for our country to not have another election, but the further our government takes us into dependence upon them, the more I see it becoming viable.

Sadly, I believe that America is at the point where our government has a crazy amount of power, much more than we can understand at this point in time.  It's as though we have been bickering amongst ourselves while the government has been quietly putting the framework into place in order to control us, no longer being "of the people, for the people."  I think that soon will come the catalyst that wakes everyone up, only to find that we are in a cage. 

What will it take to fix our government?  Honestly, I think it will take nothing less than a revolution, not just in the hearts of American people, but in actions as well.

I believe that dark, dark, times are ahead for America. 

If you wanna be serious about this you may want to add all radio and to show host. But i would take it one step further and say that politicians do a better job at polarizing this nation because, unlike TV and radio show host, people tend to trust in their chosen leaders and these chosen leaders will do anything to maintain that leadership position, even lie and polarize the American people... Politicians have the entire nations resources at their disposal, too much power, not enough restrictions.


So incidents and comments like this, blaming one party or another, is pointless now.  It only serves to further delude the American citizens.  Taxation is necessary for a country like ours, but we already know our government has taken it much too far, spending tax monies on their personal agendas, and not for the benefit of the country.


on Jun 12, 2009

Charles, Obama said he wouldn't raise INCOME taxes on 95% of the population.

So far on this he hasn't lied.

He is as you pointed out gonna look for imposing taxes everywhere he can.

on Jun 12, 2009
on Jun 12, 2009

Charles, Obama said he wouldn't raise INCOME taxes on 95% of the population.

So far on this he hasn't lied.
Thanks for clearing that up. Still, his goal was to help everyone under $250,000 a year. I don't see this as helping.

on Jun 12, 2009

PS: People like Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter are all full of it. They make money off of polarizing the country, and don't honestly care what happens as long as it gives them something to decry. If they cared, they would attempt to join Americans together so that we could fix our government, not try to polarize America.

All from the right, how interesting. People can turn off the TV or radio, they can't turn off their politicians (ex: Pelosi). Where were the calls to stop polarization just a year ago? Now we should all just submit to the new social order?

Workers of the world unite.

on Jun 12, 2009

they can't turn off their politicians

Sad, but true, I'm afraid.  Not so much that they 'can't' - more that they don't bother, enough anyway.

on Jun 13, 2009

All from the right, how interesting. People can turn off the TV or radio, they can't turn off their politicians (ex: Pelosi).

Being in the reddest state in the nation, they are the names that I hear most often on the radio around here.  Would have been democrats if their names had popped into my head.

Where were the calls to stop polarization just a year ago?

I spoke against them... have since high school.  However, I am, by far, in the minority.

Now we should all just submit to the new social order?

No Nitro, you completely ignored everything else I said.

So let me be clear...

I despise both political parties. 

They are both extremely corrupt.

I think that people that vote for either party, or stand up for either party are deluded.

So no, we should not conform to socialism.  We need to get these people out of office, from the governors, to the the president.  How to do that?  Well... we can start by raising awareness of people to the corruption of both parties

Even if we were to somehow remove those in power right now, we would have no one to replace them, except more of the same.

We need to create a purple party, the party of the average American that wants the government to be under control again, working for us, not for themselves.

But... OH YEAH, people are too concerned about playing the game of "THE OTHER SIDE IS EVIL!!!"

So we will deserve what is to come.


on Jun 13, 2009

I find myself agreeing with principle of Silver_and_Jade_Tears, though I don't believe an armed revolution is quite necessary. I do think we as a people have been fed, and have *fallen for*, a lot of rhetoric that two parties spout.

I do think the problem in the past has been third parties that are extreme rather than moderate. It would be nice to have a moderate party of some sort.

on Jun 13, 2009

though I don't believe an armed revolution is quite necessary

If people would wake up today, and throw off their apathy, then it probably wouldn't be necessary.  However, right now, it would take something extreme to wake up the majority of Americans, and something that extreme would probably only be overturned by an armed revolution.  That's just a personal perception of the current situation though.

on Jun 13, 2009

If people would wake up today, and throw off their apathy, then it probably wouldn't be necessary. However, right now, it would take something extreme to wake up the majority of Americans, and something that extreme would probably only be overturned by an armed revolution. That's just a personal perception of the current situation though.

I believe the real problem is that we have made it the norm to define ourselves by a party or some kind of political call sign that we have forgotten that regardless how we each believe the solution to the same problem we all have is, we all have one thing in common (most of us anyways), we all want what's best for this country. The average American has forgotten that when American soldiers fight and die, they don't do it for Republicans or Democrats, Conservatives or Liberals or even Moderates. They do it for everyone. We have forgotten that as citizens, our vote should be for the benefit of everyone, not just the rich or the poor, not just for me and my own not just for Democrats or Republicans.

A wise Jedi once said: "Who's more foolish, the fool or the fool that follows?" Politicians are mostly fools.

on Jun 13, 2009

What will it take to fix our government? Honestly, I think it will take nothing less than a revolution, not just in the hearts of American people, but in actions as well.
I believe that dark, dark, times are ahead for America.

I totally agree and have been saying this for quite some time. 

You know what's interesting?  Obama came out a few weeks ago and made mention that he wasn't ready to raise taxes on the wealthy  5% quite yet probably not until 2011 instead of the anticipated 2010.  The reason? 

Because the wealthy are keeping the nation afloat and are good for the economy.  So the question begs to be answered......why and when would ever be a good time to  tax (extra) the top 5% if  they are helping the economy? 

Isn't that a Republican platform idea? 

on Jun 14, 2009

Because the wealthy are keeping the nation afloat and are good for the economy. So the question begs to be answered......why and when would ever be a good time to tax (extra) the top 5% if they are helping the economy?


Who would like to bet that if our country was to fall into socialism, that exact 5% would be the "more equal?" 


on Jun 14, 2009

Who would like to bet that if our country was to fall into socialism, that exact 5% would be the "more equal?"

That 5% can afford to leave anytime they want to. Not saying they will as that group includes some of the very people driving the US toward socialism.

The government definitely needs an enema, but people are going to have to get much angrier than they are now, seems to be heading that way, we'll see.

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