As crazy as this may sound, to me it seems that while Vice President Joe Biden was probably the biggest mistake President Obama has done so far, I find myself wondering if the reason for that may be because Biden may just be the kind of politician many of us have been looking for.
Now hold on a moment, as I said I know this sound crazy but hear me out. Time and again Biden has found himself unable to control his witty mouth as he continues to make the Obama Administration look like its either blatantly lying or completely incompetent, but why does he do this? Some would say he's an idiot (I'm the first one), others would say he is nuts, but I can't help wonder, looking for a positive side of things ( a silver lining as some would put it), if he does all these gaffes because he is an honest politician. Sure, that's like saying an intelligent Michael Moore, a contradiction of terms, but I just can't shake the idea that so far everything Biden gaffs about the Obama Administration seems to be an honest opinion.
Take the recent comments he made about the economic reports:
"We misread how bad the economy was"
Really? How often does a politician admit an error without having the Media bashing him over the error over and over before he admits it? And what about this comment?
"Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me."
The irony is that considering his constant demeanor of his own Administration, Hillary would, by political standards, be a better VP. Odds are she would not be putting Obama down at every chance and if anything she would be lying thru her teeth more than she does already, even if she did not like the idea of being Obama's VP after running against him and all the dirty laundry they thru at each other. So again, Bidens "honesty" came to be true.
If this isn't enough than try this blurb of "honesty" from Biden:
"So you all are on the front lines. But as you do your job, know that Judge Sotomayor has your back as well,"
Now, considering Sotomayors obvious (to me and many others anyways) racist mentality (remember, she is a "Wise, Latina woman") and a need to protect the minorities of this country, I find this a bit confusing seeing as on average cops tend to be White and she seems to have a "thing" for White people, this would lead me to believe that she would more likely go against the cops as oppose to in favor of them. But, and that's a big but (watch those thoughts there), like the cops, she is in law enforcement and, well, she is most likely to side with cops based on her role just as she would side with minorities based on her status as a citizen of this country. I guess we would have to check her White convictions to minority convictions ratio to see what results it would yield. But as before, Biden seems to be "speaking honestly" because, well, he seems to like to be honest more than he does to be a politician, considering these kinds of comments would make someone of a lower position see just how know pink can look on a piece of paper attached to their last pay check. Of course, being VP, it's usually easier to just keep him away from reports. Then again easier said than done from what we can see.
Now, again, this is crazy. But when was the last time you saw an "honest" politician or at least one that seems to be honest? When will we ever seem one, or something that resembles one, again? Could Biden be what we have been searching for? Could he be the real change we are looking for? I, for one would never give him the chance to lead this country; regardless how honest he seems; his honesty seems more idiocy than confrontational honesty, but maybe we can still have hopes that honest politicians may yet be a possibility. I guess you can say some peoples trash may be other peoples treasure. Who knows. What do you think?