The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

I think former President George W. Bush deserves an apology by many people who spent so much time accusing him of spending too much money and wasting too much money. I mean, not only were many accusing him of wasting money with the first Stimulus Package but they chose to support Obama when he offered a second Stimulus Package and now there are talks of yet another one? Have we gone mad? Has this Adminsitration not spent (wasted) enough money already and are planning on spending more if the Healtcare bill gets passed that now some believe a third Stimulus is needed?

All you Obama believers are crazy. Japan has already tried this and they have yet to recover from the multiple Stimulus Packages they did. Our economy is already weak, unemployment is skyrocketing with no end in site yet and if the Cap and Trade bill gets passed, those with jobs will have even less money.

I'd like to see someone defend this crazy idea and still think the Obama Administration knows what it's doing. Hell, the Democrats themselves can't even get it together on this one and the other 2 bills.


on Jul 08, 2009

According to Harry Reid, only 10% of the first was spent. If they want to do something useful with it, give it back to the people that paid it's their money to begin with.

on Jul 08, 2009


on Jul 08, 2009

I think former President George W. Bush deserves an apology by many people who spent so much time accusing him of spending too much money and wasting too much money.

I don't agree.

That would be similar to apologizing to the shoplifter that stole a $100 bottle of perfume, just because the manager of your store emptied out the safe one night.

Neither is right, one just has more of an impact than the other.

We've come down to choosing between the lesser of two evils.  Feels wonderful, huh?

on Jul 08, 2009

I don't think what Bush did was right, but if an apology is to be served up I'd say it was for the folks that bashed his spending and supported Obama's, that's hypocrisy. Also Congress is complicit in the spending as well. Bush caved, in part, to the Democrat majority congress, but he is still responsible.

on Jul 08, 2009

bashed his spending and supported Obama's, that's hypocrisy

Bingo yet again. Of course Bush was wrong, you can find tons of articles on JU from many Conservatives and Republicans that stated this. It's ironic that many Democrats agreed as well and now believe Obama's is somehow better.

on Jul 08, 2009

It's ironic that many Democrats agreed as well and now believe Obama's is somehow better.

Not ironic, really.  It's to be expected, as they have proven themselves to be hypocritical.

on Jul 08, 2009

It's ironic that many Democrats agreed as well and now believe Obama's is somehow better.


Sounds more pathetic.


Btw, can someone tell me what is up with the...i believe...500 million that is allocated to the CDC for diseases/health care, and so on - yet they use merely 10-100 million? I'm thinking that not many know about it.