The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

I don't know about you, but the wool has yet to be pulled over my eyes. Sorry I can't say the same about most people who voted for Obama, especially those who worship him, who just dislike Republicans and those who know no better.

Democrats like to constantly bring Bush up in their arguments when defending Obama's actions. As I said before, nothing funnier than Obama lovers excusing Obama for doing the same thing Bush did before after claiming Obama is about change. What was that slogan again? Change you can believe in? Well, here's some more Bush for you. Bush was accused of lying often by Democrats when he was President, but I wonder why the Democrats do not point out Obama's lies which are not just obvious but blatant and downright insulting.

8%, that was what the Obama Adminstartion promised the unemployment rate would not exceed. That the stimulus package needed to be passed otherwise our economy would have fallen apart. The 3.5 million jobs would be saved. Unemployment is currently around 9.5 and even Obama himself believs it will reach or exceed 10% before the end of the year. At one point Obama adminted that many of the jobs that would be created with this stimulus would be Gov't jobs and even worse, temporary ones. Now we have Biden admitting that not only did they possible mess up with the stimulus (not big enough) but that they misread the economic reports. Misread? The most important problem this country is facing today and they misread the reports? What does this say about the reports on the countries healthcare issues and the bill they want to pass or the energy reports and the bill they are trying to pass?

What's really sad now is that a GAO Report is showing that not only is the stimulus package not creating or saving jobs but that it is being misused by State Gov'ts to "fill in gaps in their state budgets", "to maintain and expand government bureaucracy".

Bush was bashed often for lying to the American people, it is a shame Obama is not being held by the same standards. Now we know it was not change that people wanted, it was money, equality and free stuff. Something Obama also offered when he promised to help the lower class.


on Jul 09, 2009

We all knew it was going to happen anyway, it was inevitable, so the point of whether or not the stimulus package should or should not have happened is mute. I think the biggest problem with the stimulus is that they didn't set any rules for it; It should've been set up more like a loan, assuming throwing money at it solved the problem. (I question whether it is throwing the money, or the money being spent erroneously that is causing the problem. It seems even the states are pissing it away)

If they are going to take the money, then, unfortunately but ultimately I think it is necessary for the short term, make the states use it to create jobs/increase production - not fill in the budget.

Yeah, I know, I'm big about small government - but sometimes you have to work with what you have and I don't see the government getting smaller any time soon. I mean, I travel around my town and see stores and plants closed down. Why arn't we opening them up again?

Good grief.


Be well, ~Alderic


on Jul 09, 2009

It doesn't matter if rules were set or not, the stimulus package was a farce.  I thought Joe Biden was supposed to be overseeing it anyways. 

The real point here is Obama is full of it.  One term please!


on Jul 09, 2009

It doesn't matter if rules were set or not, the stimulus package was a farce. I thought Joe Biden was supposed to be overseeing it anyways.


Though I agree that the stimulus was a head scratching decision - it actually it does matter in my opinion because if you loan someone money without setting the terms - then they will tend to mess around with it.  I'm not going to just give someone money to piss away. I would expect them to realize it as a loan, and that they wouldn't spend it on things like porno and such, as well as they promise to pay me back.

on Jul 09, 2009


on Jul 09, 2009



Two cents?How about his much:



This is change I can see.


Be well, ~Alderic

on Jul 09, 2009

Judging from polls, the American people are starting to wake up to the fact that they leaped from the frying pan with Bush and into the fire with Obama. Just look at the polling. In the immortal words of ultra liberal Bob Dylan [insert nasally tone here] "oh the times they are a changin."

on Jul 09, 2009

Judging from polls, the American people are starting to wake up to the fact that they leaped from the frying pan with Bush and into the fire with Obama. Just look at the polling.


Perhaps, I don't know anthonyr, and to claim otherwise seems to be a bit like jumping the gun.


In the immortal words of ultra liberal Bob Dylan [insert nasally tone here] "oh the times they are a changin."


Hey now, don't you go dissing The Man, his music rocks. Ironically, it is part of the very foundation of our country.





on Jul 09, 2009

You know what's stupid is that I knew the bailout would fail the day it was passed.  Anyone who knows me also heard me predict that the auto companies would fail anyway, and that the housing bubble would still burst.

Biden thinks they messed up with the bailout, eh?  No kidding.  The smart thing to do would be to just let people and companies pay for their financial mistakes.  The ride down would be steep, but it would be all uphill from there.  Instead we're prolonging the inevitable.

on Jul 09, 2009

every one of the problems our economy is currently facing has been directly caused by the government passing bad laws.

on Jul 10, 2009

Is this lying or just being wrong?

on Jul 10, 2009

Is this lying or just being wrong?

Well lets see, you take a plan that has already been done by other people (Japan and Bush) and has failed before and you implement it in the hopes it works for you. Yea, I would say this is lying. Dude, first off 2+2=4 no matter how you add it up, repeating the same mistake will not eventually yield different results. Obama was warned of many of the things he's done but he did it anyways. They knew; they knew but didn't care.

Obama promised a better Gov't, no politics as usual yet time and again politicians have admitted to not reading any of the recent bills being passed or that were passed thru the Houses since Obama took over. And they have the balls to laugh at us when asked if they read these bills? How is this change? How is this not politics as usual? How is this not lying?

on Jul 10, 2009

I was not trying to be clever.  It was a geniue question.

on Jul 10, 2009

I was not trying to be clever. It was a geniue question.

And I gave a geniue answer and my reasons for it. I can't help being a bit upset over the fact that all the BS about Bush being evil, bad for this country, a liar and the man responsible for our current situation but now it's all OK only because it's Obama doing it; a Democrat, a Black man, a Minority, not Bush or all of the above.

on Jul 10, 2009

How is this not politics as usual?


Oh come Charles, it's expedited politics; they're now actually getting things done! [/sarcasm]


Be well, ~Alderic



on Jul 12, 2009

Obama must just be lying to US citizens. He just finished telling Africans how bad it is for corupt governments to "skim 29% of the top"... "that is not democracy that is tyranny". Now what is the highest US tax rates that the government "skims" off the top again???