The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Math is never wrong, 2+2=4 no matter how you add it up and multiplying 2 negative numbers always gives a positive number. But do math rule apply to politics?

It seems that Senate Supporters of Obama's Stimulus bill believe that even though the economy continues to decline and that unemployment has gone beyond Obama's 8% max prediction, they insist the Stimulus Package is still working. This dispite the above 2 negatives and the fact that a GAO Report shows that States are misusing the money by filling in gaps in their state budgets also to maintain and expand government bureaucracy.

The majority of Americans voted for Obama because they wanted change, they did not want more politics as usual, they did not want 4 more years of Bush. Taking this into consideration, I would like for someone to explain to me how with all these things going wrong, do some still believe the Stimulus Package is working; especially when Biden admitted the Obama Administration misread the economic reports (shameful), Obama himself admitted unemployment may reach 10% and many of the jobs that would be created would be temporary and talks of a second Stimulus (3rd by my count) is a posibility because the first one (second by my count) was not enough.

Show me the change, show me the improvements, show me the money. Where is it?

BTW, these "Senate Supporters of Obama's Stimulus bill" include members of both Parties, just in case you thought I was only speaking about Democrats.


on Jul 10, 2009

Show me the money

It's in some bigwig's pocket, probably being spent on long vacations, offshore accounts, and manicures for his wife and mistress.


on Jul 10, 2009

and manicures for his wife and mistress.

or himself...

on Jul 10, 2009

or himself...

Or herself.

on Jul 10, 2009

Or herself.

Ooooooh nooooo...  women are INNOCENT.  Ditzy and pretty, remember?