The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Why do Democrats, knowing there are cameras and mics present, say one thing today and then later claim “that is not what I meant”? Obama, Biden, Clinton, Sotomayor, Pelosi,Reid, Gibbs; they all have said things they later have to explain or have someone else come out saying “That’s not what he/she meant”. Do Democrats have poor talking skills? Do they lack education when it comes to word definitions and calculations? Someone explain to me why all of a sudden some of the most people in this Administration can’t seem to say what they mean and mean what they say? And why do you still believe in them?

on Jul 15, 2009

Why do politicians do it in general? Because they get away with it; people will continue do whatever they want to do - legal or not - so long as they know they won't get in trouble. Sadly, it's human nature.


Be well, ~Alderic

on Jul 15, 2009

Why do politicians do it in general?

We all know politicians do this in general AJ. What I want to know is why are Democrats, who claimed to be of change, of new Gov't, that believe Gov't can do it better, that will not do business as usual, that expect people to believe what they say and who are in cotrol of our country today, doing it?

Why do you dodge these questions? Why not be honest about what you feel and believe as oppose to resorting to "they did it too" responses? Are you saying that it's ok to lie, to change the definition of words, to make mistakes just because someone else did it before? Why do we accept the problem rather than try to resolve it? What is the purpose of a politician if they are suppose to help find solutions to problems but we accept the fact that they themselves are part of the problem?

on Jul 15, 2009

Why do you dodge these questions? Why not be honest about what you feel and believe as oppose to resorting to "they did it too" responses? Are you saying that it's ok to lie, to change the definition of words, to make mistakes just because someone else did it before? Why do we accept the problem rather than try to resolve it? What is the purpose of a politician if they are suppose to help find solutions to problems but we accept the fact that they themselves are part of the problem?

Charles, I answered the question, just look:

Why do politicians do it in general? Because they get away with it; people will continue do whatever they want to do - legal or not - so long as they know they won't get in trouble. Sadly, it's human nature.

I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone, just attacking the problem rhetorically.

It's human nature, and with them even more so. Who do they (dems or reps or anyone) have to answer to in a society that claims to want accountability and so on, but fails to follow through on it? As long as they can do the same shit over and over, and deal with little to no repercusions - it'll continue to happen.

 I mean, look at this scenario:

Candidate George has an affair. The voting public goes wild, they're shocked and/or awed, and frothing at the mouth (or is that the media? lol jk). A week later, something else happens. Candidate George gets off damn near scott free.

You know the analogy of humans are like babies? They get distracted easily.

We all know politicians do this in general AJ. What I want to know is why are Democrats, who claimed to be of change, of new Gov't, that believe Gov't can do it better, that will not do business as usual, that expect people to believe what they say and who are in cotrol of our country today, doing it?

I would focus more on why you vent about it and seemingly don't act on it. (Again, this is just my observation) Let me ask you this: Did you vote recently? Did you hold your politicians in your area accountable? If one of them acts like what you so vehemently disagree with, do you vote them out?

We, as an electorate, just do not hold them accountable; we're just too damn apathetic in my opinion. They are supposed to answer to US, but they don't. They're supposed to be responsible. They're not, obviously.

Solution? Do something about it. In fact, here's a favorite quote: "Politicians need to be changed as often as dirty diapers, and for the same reason."

Hence, what I said.  They can get away with it with little to no repercusions, and that goes with both of the major parties.  In the end, we need to hold ourselves accountable, and be responsible voters. We owe it to ourselves.


Be well, ~Alderic

on Jul 16, 2009

Whatever mistakes they make are covered up by the State Media. Biden could probably admit to being a serial killer and the State run Media would spin it into a good thing.

on Jul 16, 2009

Whatever mistakes they make are covered up by the State Media. Biden could probably admit to being a serial killer and the State run Media would spin it into a good thing.


The state media? Oh you mean Fox news! My bad, I totally forgot. \sarcasm




It's the news dude, it lives to sell - don't have a coronary.

on Jul 16, 2009

Charles, I answered the question, just look:

AJ, please don't treat me like I'm stupid. Your own quote has it's own question and an answer for it. Please try again, and this time, stick to the article and not your editing of it.

I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone, just attacking the problem rhetorically.

And I wasn't "attacking the problem rhetorically", again, Republicans are not in charge and are not in the spotlight right now. I am more concerned with those who are running the show right now, I'll worry about the other side later, when it's time to vote again.

Again, please stick to the article and stop commenting on your idea of what the article should have been about. I don't write articles so that others can come here and discuss how they would have written the article. Why not just write an article of your own? Seriously.

on Jul 16, 2009

Again, please stick to the article and stop commenting on your idea of what the article should have been about. I don't write articles so that others can come here and discuss how they would have written the article. Why not just write an article of your own? Seriously.

Where did I say or imply I thought your article should be different. Look at my reply charles,you asked what I thought about democrats doing what they're doing - I gave an answer. If you're not going to take it seriously, then why should I waste my time? I think you're looking for a pat on the back answer, something to support your views. I gave my answer.

And I wasn't "attacking the problem rhetorically", again, Republicans are not in charge and are not in the spotlight right now. I am more concerned with those who are running the show right now, I'll worry about the other side later, when it's time to vote again.

...and I'm concerned with both of the because it won't matter if we get Republicans in office Charlse. Come on, you should know that. Sure, I get the idea of focusing on things one at a time, but then what? We still have two parties that play their games.

AJ, please don't treat me like I'm stupid. Your own quote has it's own question and an answer for it. Please try again, and this time, stick to the article and not your editing of it.

Hey, I call things like I see them, and you came across like you were being intentionally blind to my reply. *shrugs* You can't change a zebra's stripes, right?

***What I said with some additions***

Why do democrats do it?

It's human nature, and with them even more so. (They enjoy the power.) Who do they (dems or reps or anyone) have to answer to in a society that claims to want accountability and so on, but fails to follow through on it? As long as they can do the same shit over and over, and deal with little to no repercusions - it'll continue to happen.

We, as an electorate, just do not hold them accountable; we're just too damn apathetic in my opinion. They are supposed to answer to US, but they don't. They're supposed to be responsible. They're not, obviously.

I mean, look at this scenario:

Candidate George has an affair. The voting public goes wild, they're shocked and/or awed, and frothing at the mouth (or is that the media? lol jk). A week later, something else happens. Candidate George gets off damn near scott free.

You know the analogy of humans are like babies? They get distracted easily.


(In my opinion ) I would focus more on why you (rhetorical) vent about it and seemingly don't act on it.Again, this is just my observation. Let me ask you this: Did you vote recently? Did you hold your politicians in your area accountable? If one of them acts like what you so vehemently disagree with, do you vote them out?

Solution? Do something about it. In fact, here's a favorite quote: "Politicians need to be changed as often as dirty diapers, and for the same reason."

Hence, what I said. They can get away with it with little to no repercusions, and that goes with both of the major parties. In the end, we need to hold ourselves accountable, and be responsible voters. We owe it to ourselves.



Am I getting any of this across? I've stated why I think they do it. I've addressed your article charles.


  Be well, ~Alderic

on Jul 16, 2009

Maybe because the media either misquotes them or takes it out of context, etc.?

on Jul 17, 2009

Why do Democrats, knowing there are cameras and mics present, say one thing today and then later claim “that is not what I meant”? Obama, Biden, Clinton, Sotomayor, Pelosi,Reid, Gibbs; they all have said things they later have to explain or have someone else come out saying “That’s not what he/she meant”.

Because when they said them they were under the foolish belief that everyone thinks like they do and their words are middle of the road. When there is a backlash they have to back up or lose face.

on Jul 17, 2009

Why do Democrats, knowing there are cameras and mics present, say one thing today and then later claim “that is not what I meant”?

For the same reasons that republicans do it?