I normally like writing a lot to make sure I make my point. This time a short article should be enough to make my point.
This Obamacare Healthcare Bill Obama and is some of the Democrats are so desperate to pass and in such a rush to the point Pelosi has the "legislative throttle at full-speed-ahead" (as Foxnews.com put it), if it is that good, if it's modeled around the "great" (debatable) Canadian and Brittish healthcare system, if this is such a great plan, why are Congress, Senate, Gov't employees and evn the President himself exempt from it? Why do they keep themselves from benefitting from this bill that the President is so passionate about and believes will be good for the rest of the country? Are Gov't employees not worthy of such a "great" system? How come when it comes to the rest of us private insurers are making too much profit and not providing quality healthcare service but Gov't employee's are allowed, not forced to use Obamacare?
So Mr President, would you buy the car for yourself or... a family member?