I don't get it. Maybe I am dumber than I look. But isn't this whole Cash for Clunkers idea similar to all these bills passed that allowed people who could not afford houses to buy them anyways only to end up where we are today, with foreclosures as common as Whopper in Burger King and home sales as uncommon as BBQ sauce on toast (saw that on Food Network last night)?
And here I thought people were broke, jobless, suppose to be saving money, spending less and spending wisely. So why, all of a sudden, we have all the people buying new cars? Were the cars they gave in for the Cash for Clunkers program that bad that they needed a new car with a loan payment to go with it?
Can someone send me a clue cause I just don't understand how so many people lost jobs, so many people had their wages cut, so many people had their hours cut, so many people had to foreclose their homes, so many people ended up either homeless or moving into cheap apartments, so many businesses have closed or gone bankrupt, banks are not lending money like before, credit companies are lowering credit lines to existing customers, etc, yet here we have hundreds, thousands of new car owners.
Someone please make some sense out of this for me so I can see how this is a good thing. Please.
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