The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

I don't get it. Maybe I am dumber than I look. But isn't this whole Cash for Clunkers idea similar to all these bills passed that allowed people who could not afford houses to buy them anyways only to end up where we are today, with foreclosures as common as Whopper in Burger King and home sales as uncommon as BBQ sauce on toast (saw that on Food Network last night)?

And here I thought people were broke, jobless, suppose to be saving money, spending less and spending wisely. So why, all of a sudden, we have all the people buying new cars? Were the cars they gave in for the Cash for Clunkers program that bad that they needed a new car with a loan payment to go with it?

Can someone send me a clue cause I just don't understand how so many people lost jobs, so many people had their wages cut, so many people had their hours cut, so many people had to foreclose their homes, so many people ended up either homeless or moving into cheap apartments, so many businesses have closed or gone bankrupt, banks are not lending money like before, credit companies are lowering credit lines to existing customers, etc, yet here we have hundreds, thousands of new car owners.

Someone please make some sense out of this for me so I can see how this is a good thing. Please.

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on Aug 06, 2009

Could this be the next bubble to burst after the housing bubble?

on Aug 06, 2009

And considering there were many out there complain about a recent fat tax rumor out there. Some saying why should they have to pay because some people did not take care of themselves and become fat so now they should pay more taxes for being fat, why should anyone have to pay so that someone can buy a new car? How many more welfare programs are we gonna create?

on Aug 06, 2009

I don't know that it was good or necessary but it is giving car sales a shot in the arm that they desperately need. 

on Aug 06, 2009

I don't know that it was good or necessary but it is giving car sales a shot in the arm that they desperately need.

You do realize that many, if not most of the cars being purchased were foreigh cars? I don't know about you but I think this program could have been done a bit better if it focus more on improving the economy locally as oppose to outside the US. They should have put a provision where the cars had to be American. I don't understand why we are pumping tax payers money into foreign vehicles when our own car companies are still struggling compared to them.

on Aug 06, 2009

They could have give the taxpayer back some of the money they paid in. Then let them decide if they want to spend it on a car or whatever they want. As it stands it is a subsidy for anyone that probably was going to buy a car anyway.

on Aug 06, 2009

OP. allow me to correct you..

Cash for clunker, another bubble that is GUARANTEED to eventually burst (like all bubbles)

on Aug 07, 2009

Has anyone thought about who is making out here?  IT's NOT the buyer.  It's not us, the taxpayer.  It's not GM or the dealers in trouble because people are putting their money into the companies that are doing ok. 

So you get cash back for your older gas guzzler trade-in but the dealers are not giving out any incentives so what's the big deal here?  Instead of incentives and marked down prices, you get money back from the government.  

We bought a new car just a few months ago and got a great deal.  The diff between the gas mileage now and the one we had in our Subaru wouldn't have been enough to get the full $4500 that is now being offered so we would have been given just a portion of that amount.  I think we did better without the freebie money from the government by getting more incentives from the dealer including three free oil changes along with a reduced price and $3,500 trade-in for the Subaru.   We didn't talk trade in until we talked reduced price on the Elantra we were buying. 

You know who's going to hurt the most?  The poor people and college student looking for those $500 clunkers that are being needlessly crushed when they could be driven instead. 

on Aug 07, 2009

You know who's going to hurt the most? The poor people and college student looking for those $500 clunkers that are being needlessly crushed when they could be driven instead.

Now that is something very few people have spoken about. I understand the purpose of removing these cars and replacing them with better cars, but what about those who can not afford new cars? Who need cheap cars just to make ends meet? Are we gonna Welfare cars for them as well? This is just too crazy.

on Aug 07, 2009

Has anyone thought about who is making out here?  IT's NOT the buyer.  It's not us, the taxpayer.  It's not GM or the dealers in trouble because people are putting their money into the companies that are doing ok.

Nobody is making out here... Communism makes everyone poorer, capitalism makes everyone richer.

This plan harms everyone for a chance at pursuing a failed and retarded and downright dangerous ideaology... it is a stab against the internal combustion engine, it is democrats cheering as they DESTROY perfectly serviceable EQUIPMENT because they beleive it to be evil. No different than if they had melted down guns... speaking of, I just heard... dallas i think, has had great success with its "50$ for your gun" program and will ramp it up... to get "evil guns" off the streets.