Hypocrisy, it's a word that should be added to all dictionaries as part of the description of politics. Especially when it comes to Democrats.
It would seem there are some out there upset because Obama is being dipicted as the villian of our society because of his socialist policies. The image below is one showing up all over L.A. portraying Obama as the joker from the movie "The Dark Knight".
Looks pretty good if you ask me. But I bet these complaints are just the beginning. It's only a matter of time before the creator of these imagine, unknown as of this moment, will somehow be searched for as some kind of criminal. Maybe the Obama Administration will create another email or maybe a website where people can report these kinds of images (some would call it freedom of speech and expression). Hell some are already calling this "politically mean-spirited and dangerous". But as usual, these kinds of propaganda are only bad when it's Obama that is the victim. How dare people dipict the President of the US in such a manner thru out the streets of the US?
But what about Former President George W. Bush? How come Vanity Fair, a well known magazine in the US, didn't find the below image of George W. Bush (President of the US at the time), from their July 2008 copy, "politically mean-spirited and dangerous"? Hmmm, double standards, another word that should be part of the definition of Politics.
I wonder if Obama was aware of how Politics are played in the US once you become President?
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