The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on August 11, 2009 By CharlesCS In Politics

This is not about Democrats or Republicans. This is not about Liberals vs Conservatives. This is not about the Left and the Right. This is about the American people; this is about the system working the way it should.

" government of the people, by the people, for the people"

If I didn't know any better I would say Abraham Lincoln and I have something in common. We both believe the Gov't is there for the people's best interest based on what the people want, not what they think is best for us based on their own opinions. This article on (I know some of you out there hate this site but deal with it) proves that if we make the effort we can turn this Gov't of today into the Gov't is what meant to be. A Gov't that will listen to the people when we believe some of their actions are not in our best interest.

I believe the time has come my fellow Americans of any party; the time has come to remember that regardless what your party affiliation is, what your opinions are, what policies you prefer; there is one thing we all have in common; we are all Americans. We all want what's best for this country and it's citizens and we need to do that which the current Administration and those before him have failed to do in the past few decades. We need to break this dividing barrier, unite and voice our opinions and let the real democracy we want do it's job.

No Gov't should be telling us to shut up, no Gov't should be telling us to move out of the way, no Gov't should be looking track down opposing opinions, no Gov't should be attacking it's own people by calling them mobs, unAmerican, rioters and terrorist. Let's continue to remind the Gov't that they work for us, that we put them there, that we are the ones in control.

This is how the country is divided today

This is how it should be:

We should be united, not divided. Bush was accused of dividing, Obama promised unite and has failed to do so. I think it's time we took control of our own lives, of our country, of our destiny. I may disagree with some of you and agree with others, but we should not fight among ourselves.

Good job fellow Americans. Now lets keep this up.

Powered by Zoundry Raven

on Aug 12, 2009

What? No one cares that the American people finally get their voices heard?

on Aug 12, 2009

Can't see the pictures.


on Aug 12, 2009


on Aug 12, 2009

"This is how the country is divided today"

[Should there be a picture here?]

"This is how it should be:"

[Should there be a picture here?]

on Aug 12, 2009

oh, sry, forgot about that. Let me check that. Sry, have been so busy with work I didnt even notice this.

on Aug 12, 2009

Thanks leauki, I believe I fixed it now.

on Aug 12, 2009


Hmm, either you're being sneaky and have made the pictures blend into the surrounding...or no pictures.


we should not fight among ourselves.


Well said, and I agree! I hope you know that I've never taking our discussions personally; I realize that we agree and disagree and so on, so forth.


Later, ~A

on Aug 12, 2009

How could anyone imagine that people won't have strong feelings about something as intimate and personally important as healthcare?  Policy wonks can be calm as they want discussing disembodied and detached concepts - it's individuals who end up at the sharp end of the sticks they invent and who inevitably suffer the unintended consequences.  The politicians and wonks clearly know that - that's why they always exempt themselves from their inventions.

on Aug 13, 2009

I totally don't get this. Are there supposed to be pictures there or not?

on Aug 13, 2009

Well said, and I agree! I hope you know that I've never taking our discussions personally; I realize that we agree and disagree and so on, so forth.

Not personal, just debating. It gets heated but thats thepoint. Its fun.

on Aug 13, 2009

Sry leauki, I seem to be having trouble getting the images to work from the site I uploaded them to

on Aug 13, 2009

it is ok to be divided as long as we retain our freedoms. Asking people to snitch to the government on dissidents, forbidding investigation of wrongdoing by vote theives (acorn) and voter intimidators (black panthers), and corruption in general are a huge problem that should transcend party lines.

If you buy into it with the excuse of "well, they are only trying to do what is RIGHT no matter the means, and I support that", then you are a fool who is being duped, and enable the goons in power to strip away your rights with sweet words and promises that they will not have to deliver when you are powerless to stop them.

on Aug 16, 2009

Sry leauki, I seem to be having trouble getting the images to work from the site I uploaded them to

Try for your picutre host.