I have a simply request for everyone who reads this regardless of party affiliation, race, gender, culture or religious belief. This current Administration has taken it upon itself the task of fixing every problem this country has. Now as much as we all would love to make the wrongs right in a snap, it would be logical to agree that this current Administration is very misguided in its belief that the problems this country faces (current and past ones) are problems that can be fixed overnight, which is why I question this administrations rush to pass any bill, especially one that will change our country on a National scale. The solutions need to be thought out, examined, researched, studied, tested and made acceptable before throwing some thousand page, encrypted, not well thought out bill to be passed knowing most people won't read it, won't know what's in it, may have things not necessarily related to the problem and purposely done so to advance a personal agenda expecting everyone to simply ignore it as it seems to have always been done before. It took the crash of our economy to make people see that which was in plain sight, the extent of the corruption we knew existed but were unaware as to just how massive it was.
My request? Now that the cat has been let out of the bag, I request for people to make it their business to know what is going on around them, in their country, at their Public Servants office, in the Media. Do some research, make it a point to know, understand to the best of your abilities how everything works (Gov't wise that is but everything else is good too) before making any decisions. Let's always remember that the day you set out to those voting booths during elections you are not simply voting for the President of your Senior Class or which fast food joint's burger is the best or even who sang better on American Idol this week. Let's remember that we are voting for people (POTUS, Senators, Congressmen, Mayors, Governors and other Gov't elected officials) who will have the power (given by us but not unlimited) to change our lives and it is our duty as American citizens to keep them in check. That is what the 1st and 2nd amendments are for after all.
Let me also request that we not forget that, regardless our gender, race, culture, religious beliefs or most of all party affiliation, we are all Americans and our goal should be a better USA for all not just ourselves. I don't think this is a lot to ask, after all,
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