The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

As much as I dislike this who concept of Healthcare Reform the Democrats are offering, I don't understand why they are debating this at all.




As per the image above, they have majority in Congress and a Filibuster Proof Senate, not to mention a Democratic President who is bent of passing this faster than anyone can read it. So why do they seem to be struggling to get this passed? How come a "hand full" of disruptive protestors who oppose the current Administartions refomr concept are able to keep them from getting this passed? Is this not what the majority of Americans wanted?

Can someone please explain why the Democrats are debating this at all? Just pass the damn thing and get it over with. Let the rest of us disrupt and be unAmericans until we turn blue in the face. It doesn't really matter what the minority want, or the majority for that matter. Our elected ofiicials have decided that they can make decisions for us regardless of what we think because they believe it is in our best interest. This is pointless to say the least. I say let them have their Healthcare Reform Obama's way and hope and pray it works. I'll keep my support against this plan though.

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Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 19, 2009

Not intending to excuse their actions, merely pointing out that both sides have had issues with it; they're definitely equal opportunity on their mistakes.

None the less that graph is very misleading and you can't deny that a lot of the spending was done under Democrat control although Republicans are not innocent here. taltamir has a point, you can't excuse one mistake with another. You may get a positive when mutiplying two negative numbers but that only works in math.

on Aug 19, 2009

None the less that graph is very misleading and you can't deny that a lot of the spending was done under Democrat control although Republicans are not innocent here. taltamir has a point, you can't excuse one mistake with another. You may get a positive when mutiplying two negative numbers but that only works in math.


Democrat control or not, there have been periods of time where the GOP were not at such a disadvantage - in fact, there are cases where members of the GOP have sided with Democrats on spending. You can always yell, scream, and point the finger at one party or the other - that's easy and requires very little critical thinking. Ultimately, both parties have the same responsibility/culpability, and so do we.


on Aug 19, 2009

... the democrates are not united

This. There is a significant faction within the Democrat Party, the 'Blue Dog' Democrats, which votes conservatively, at least on fiscal issues. The leadership needs to sell the bill to them before it can push it through.

on Aug 19, 2009

This. There is a significant faction within the Democrat Party, the 'Blue Dog' Democrats, which votes conservatively, at least on fiscal issues. The leadership needs to sell the bill to them before it can push it through.

While what you say is true, I find it sad that the most concerning thing to this Administration is selling this reform to other politicians but not to the people. If there is one thing I can say about politicians, especially Democrats in 2009, they sure know how to listen when those who are talking are talking with the politicians jobs in their hands. I remember the days when incentives made people work harder, now losing youre job is todays incentive/motivation.

on Aug 20, 2009

I find it sad that the most concerning thing to this Administration is selling this reform to other politicians but not to the people.


That's an excellent point Charles, and I agree with you completely.



on Aug 24, 2009

Not a liberal.


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