As much as I dislike this who concept of Healthcare Reform the Democrats are offering, I don't understand why they are debating this at all.
As per the image above, they have majority in Congress and a Filibuster Proof Senate, not to mention a Democratic President who is bent of passing this faster than anyone can read it. So why do they seem to be struggling to get this passed? How come a "hand full" of disruptive protestors who oppose the current Administartions refomr concept are able to keep them from getting this passed? Is this not what the majority of Americans wanted?
Can someone please explain why the Democrats are debating this at all? Just pass the damn thing and get it over with. Let the rest of us disrupt and be unAmericans until we turn blue in the face. It doesn't really matter what the minority want, or the majority for that matter. Our elected ofiicials have decided that they can make decisions for us regardless of what we think because they believe it is in our best interest. This is pointless to say the least. I say let them have their Healthcare Reform Obama's way and hope and pray it works. I'll keep my support against this plan though.
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