How often have you read a article on (or any other Stardock cross-posted forums) and wanted to post you opinions, thoughts and/or ideas and just as you hit the post button, the site has a "hiccup" and bam, you lose your comments and are forced to chose whether to write it again (and hope you remember every word you wrote) or forget about it. It's even worse when your post was long and you put so much effort into writting it (like when refuting a political point or questioning a religious one, or just talking about the latest Stardock software). I should know, it has happened to me several times before, to the point I have ignored the article all together in frustration and found myself writing the comments either hoping it doesn't happen again or writting on a word processing software (Like Microsoft Word) first before posting so as to have a back up of it. BTW, using Microsoft Word is a bad idea since copying and pasting from Word to the JU site changes the font and sometimes either gives you an error or you end up psting with a somewhat big font.
Well, for those of you, like me, who use FireFox I have found the greatest add-on life saver for JU. The add-on is called Lazarus 2.0 and let me tell you I love this add-on. This little program saves you comments in the text box so that in case JU decides to blame their "coding pigeons" for the "hiccups" in their system, you will get a second chance to post your commenst without having to remember or rewrite the whole thing. Heck, it even comes in handy in case you need to repeat a comment somewhere else.
I highly recommend you try this nifty add-on for yourself. I'm sure you'll like it too. BTW, this add-on works well with any site where you can post text. You can download it here. Sorry IE users, no luck for you but then you should have been using FireFox by now.
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