The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on September 3, 2009 By CharlesCS In Blogging

When is it proper to hold people accountable for their “mistakes” when opening their mouths and spewing ignorant and unprofessional comments about other people? My opinion? The moment they open their mouths and spewing ignorant and unprofessional comments about other people.Is an apology acceptable every time something like this happens?

The culprit this time? One of Obama’s members of the CZARS family, Van Jones. The only reason I care about the comments of an idiot like this is because he is no ordinary American; he is a representative of this Nations Gov’t. I am just another American with a computer, an internet connection and an account on a blog site so my comments would normally just fade away as just “another angry (place political party here)”. But he is an advisor to none other than The President of the United States of America. This man gets to talk to the big man in the White House, his opinions become part of the Nations development. These are people who are suppose to set the example. Of course, many will argue this comment he made was done before he became the Green Jobs CZAR (what ever the hell that position is). But if we are going to punish people for past mistakes in every other part of their lives (example Bush and his military records) then we can not ignore the mistakes of someone just because.

I’m sure at this point some are thinking I am only bothered because he a Democrat. To be honest that would be a half truth. I won’t deny my bias when it comes to the fact that the idiot with the idiotic comments happens to be a Democrat, but I am more upset with the fact that this is a man who represents this Nation and is currently a part of an Administration who promised change and bipartisanship yet here we have a man who thinks republicans are “assholes”.

Would it have made a difference if it was a Republican? Yes, this kind of behavior should not be tolerated regardless of party affiliation. But it’s sad when some people are willing to not only dismiss such behavior but actually condone it, encourage it and not even accept the person’s apology as the right thing to do just because they dislike those they comments were about.

I don’t know about you but I find a website like Democratic Underground to be a disgusting site where their main goal is to take away your freedom of speech when the following words below are part of their rules to be able to comment on their site:

And even more disgusting are the people on the site who not only dismissed such behavior but actually condoned it, encouraged it and did not even accept the person’s apology as the right thing to do just because they dislike those they comments were about. They themselves called Republican’s “assholes” as well.

It’s a shame when our country has come to this kind of behavior and it is tolerated and accepted as the norm. I am sorry Van Jones, I do not accept your apology because you meant what you said otherwise you would not have said it. Your own party has done in 8 months what the Republican party took 8 years to do, make fools of yourself and do less for this country than before. Unity does not describe the Democrat party, the debate on Healthcare Reform proves that.

Republicans may be “assholes”, but the idiots are the ones running the country today. I would rather have an asshole than an idiot running the country.


on Sep 03, 2009

I thought you may be referring to the comments all over the news these last two days about what Levi Johnston is saying about Sarah Palin.  He's really making a very big fool of himself.  Diane Sawyer this morning even asked when he was going to shut up. 

I guess it's the foot in mouth disease that seems to be running rampant these days.  I wonder if there's an immunization for it like the H1N1 virus?

on Sep 03, 2009

No, it was about Van Jones but feel free to add him to this article. I have no problem pointing out how idiotic the Democrats are becoming. They spent 8 year bashing a single man now they have spent 8 months making fools of an entire party.

on Sep 03, 2009

I think Mr. Van Jones finally over stepped his bounds with his vitriol and blatant racism in addition to his communist agenda. Once again, the Obama administration is slow to remove problems because of close relationships. How many examples do the American people need to see in this administration to realize this is not the hope and change they wanted? Why are crooks like Charlie Rangle still holding their seats on important committees? Tax cheats given free pass. I don't want this kind of change and I don't want to line these peoples pockets with my tax dollars.