Hold on, hold on. I though Obama was running for President of the US, not school teacher. Obama wants to address the children of our nation thru school, that’s an interesting concept. Personally from one stand point I think it’s great that our children get to have the undivided attention of the President of the US. I may not like Obama and his policies, but I see nothing wrong in him wanting to talk to our children about doing better in school.
On the other hand, again the Obama Administration decided that thinking and revising comes after putting a plan together to address a situation. Which is why I am a bit concerned of this idea of the President all of a sudden wanting to address our children, mind you, while there are no parents present to supervise the speech.
What is it that bothers me about all of this? Simple, this is just another way our Gov’t sticks their noses in our personal lives. Last I checked it was the parents responsibility to ensure that their children get the proper education and that their children ser goals in life. But just like some people, for some reason, think that the Gov’t should give them food, spending money, pay their bills, pay their rent, give them healthcare, pay for their education, etc; now it seems it’s the Gov’ts responsibility to pep talk our children into a better education.
As I said before, I think that the President speaking to our children is a fantastic thing, but the Obama Administration already proved it had more than just an interest in stimulating children’s minds to better educate themselves when they decided to make some changes in the speech. You have to wonder how often will this Administration continue to put their agendas out there without thinking of the consequences only to change it because they realized something was not right in it before people start questioning the abilities of the people who are part of this Administration.
I have 2 kids in school, one in Elementary and the other in Middle School. I don’t want them growing up disliking our President just because he is of the opposing party, I want them to be proud to know the President was willing to take some time to talk to them, to make them feel good about getting an education; but what I don’t want is my children to be the next target of propaganda. Children are easily impressed, easily convinced and easily brainwashed and I hope President Obama will make sure his speech is limited to him simply wanting to motivate children to become better people, not by voting Democrat but by working hard, staying in school, studying and become better citizens. It is said that the Obama Administration will be providing the address for us to read on Monday before the speech. I will be reading it and tomorrow I will be making sure if my children will be put to watch this that i will hold the Director of the 2 schools personally responsible if I do not find this address acceptable.
As a Conservative, I will ask the people of this Nation (mostly those on this site who will read this) that regardless of your political affiliation to search for the text of this speech and read it before making any judgments against President Obama and give this President a chance to do what may actually be a good thing for once. However, if you find his speech to be more propaganda than a simple pep talk to our children, then regardless of what anyone says, I ask you make your voice heard and let this Administration and those who support him know that we will not tolerate this and any other Gov’t indoctrinate our children.
President Obama, do the right thing. This is not just another policy you are messing with, these are our children, the future of this Nation. Don’t screw this one up.
Politico Link
Foxnews Link
On a side note:
I wish to personally address those who think this is another Republican excuse to undermine this Administration. I saw some of the online comments made by many on these sites who think Republicans and Conservatives are being racist because Obama is Black and I have to say I am ashamed and disgusted to think so many people still think that opposition to Obama’s policies is racially motivated. If a Black man becoming the President of the US is not enough to prove our society has reached a higher level of decency and respect when it comes to racism then I don’t think we will ever be able to overcome our racist problems when every time a Black person is criticized, opposed, not promoted, pulled over by police, etc, it’s never seen as anything other than racially motivated actions. I am Hispanic, born and raised in the US with some Hispanic customs; I am a mix of Spaniard, Taino Indian and African. If you think I am racist just because I oppose Obama’s policies and some of the things he does then you are the real reason racism still exist in this country and you are the real problem. We need change and if you are not willing to change yourself then you have no right to expect others to change. Racism works both ways, you can be just as much a racist for calling others racist for any reason just as those who are actually racist. Treating people of other races as racist is another form of racism. Reverse racism as some like to call it but to me racism is racism, regardless of the color of your skin.
Racism - discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race
Grow up America, this is about politics, the future of our Nation, the Freedoms that allow us to cry, bitch and moan to our elected leaders. This isn’t about race. If ignorance is what guides your opinions then that is evidence that your choice from President of the US can be seen as a poor choice. Obama promised unity, bipartisanship, change. So far I have yet to see any of this within his own party let alone the country. President Obama, just another politician. The more things change, the more they stay the same, and that is truly a shame.