The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
OK Teabaggers, we get it. You hate blacks
You've made your point. Loud & clear.
You can stop now.

Poorly disguised racism in the form of unrelenting and uncompromising Conservative Ideals.

This is the smoking gun of hate in america

How anyone could be against a message from the president aimed at getting kids to do better in school is beyond me.

It is a shame but not unexpected. We need to deal with racism in america and this is a great example of the work that needs to be done

The haters and racists are out in full force tonight.
I am going outside to see if there's a full moon,

It is childish and petty and shows just where part of the republican party is right now.
Lets face it, this is all about race

These were just some of the comments found on The Politico’s website article about Obama addressing our children at school (link). Racism is alive and well, but not because some people are out there tying Obama to the back of a truck, whipping him, calling him racist names, not allowing him into certain places or making him sit at the back of the bus. Noooooo, racism is alive and well because the President of the US is a Black man and opposing or criticizing anything he says or does makes you a racist. Oddly enough it use to be White people who were racist towards Black people. Now? You don’t even have to be White; you just have to oppose a Black person, contradict a Black person, look at a Black person in a weird way or simply not promote a Black person in a job even when they are obviously not qualified to do the job.

While I was not happy that Obama won the Presidency, because I didn’t vote for him since i don’t agree with his policies, I was excited to see that our society had, apparently, raised above racism and voted a Black man for President for the first time in US history. For once the Minority had a voice, for once I believed people could no longer claim this country to be racist. But how quickly my excitement faded when I realized that racism had all but died or shrunk. On the contrary, rather than believing a person is capable of disagree with someone else because of a difference in opinions, Democrats and those who claim to be Independents but are obviously left wingers in disguise now use the race card as a weapon not to destroy the seed of Racism in this country but to destroy political parties and their members. The real sad part is that Black people actually believe the Democrats are fighting for them when in reality the Democrat party is just using them as a pawn, a weapon, a strategy to capture and hold power in this country. Think about it, if there were no poor people in this country we would not have healthcare issue cause everyone would be able to afford it; we would not educational issue cause everyone would be able to afford it, hell, we wouldn’t have economic issue cause everyone had what they wanted and needed. But if we did not need healthcare reform, educational reform or financial reform then what would be the point of having a Democratic party and who would vote for them anyways? Do you really think Democrats want you to better yourself, educate yourself and stop being poor? If so then how will they be the champions of the poor if by making you not poor you are no longer the person they are fighting for but instead the person they are fighting against, you know, rich people, people who can afford everything and more.

But that’s OK, you keep thinking Republicans and Conservatives are racist and that Democrats and Liberals will fix all your problems. I just hope while thinking this you don’t forget that your problems were created by you and that you were to lazy to fix them yourself and like a baby need big daddy Gov’t to do it for you. Makes me wonder why you want to go to college, paid for by the Gov’t, at all; it’s not like you’re gonna want to work to earn a pay check which you will then have to pay tons of money back to the Gov’t so someone else can enjoy it like you once did. It’s funny how that works, the Gov’t can give you everything you need to better yourself for free but once you better yourself that same Gov’t will be the one taking some of it from you to give it to someone else and I bet at that point you will become a Conservative and not want to lose that which you think you deserved even if it was given to you by the Gov’t. It’s all good when its not you the one giving things up isn’t it? They say you’ll get what you deserve, Republicans learned that the hard way but Democrats learn that even harder, Obama’s falling numbers and inability to pass anything with control of both Houses are proof of that. You got what you wanted, now it’s time to eat up. Hope and change; you Democrats may want to look up the meaning of those words in a dictionary cause you all got it all wrong. This isn’t hope and change, just more of the same.

on Sep 04, 2009

Come on people, we will never be able to over come our racism problems if we don't talk about them first.

on Sep 07, 2009

This president is certainly the person to speak to the children about making their own way, doing the best that they can do and setting goals. He is the first multiracial president we have had, he is a roll model for all children, he shows that everyone can study hard and make it to president. If a sports hero or a movie star can be a hero to our children, why not the president of our country. This party bashing has to stop, we need more country first and less of the partisan crap. My kids are all grown and we have 13 grandchildren and I hope that all of them will get to see our president without using any instant cash.