So I was listening to an episode of Tekzilla from today and in the section where they read your emails a girl asked a question about USB speed but what caught my attention the most was that she started by saying the following:
“I have many devices connected to my laptop (12 connected and 6 more I need to connect)”
Now, I myself have quite a few USB devices that eat up the 4 ports my laptop currently has and usually end up with a few that have to swap share. I eventually found a little hub I had before and am now able to connect the majority of them but there always 1 I have to swap from time to time. My USB devices are the following:
- Remote Control Receiver - for the Media part of my laptop
- Speakers – laptop speakers sucked and you don’t always have a power plug near by when owning a laptop
- Wireless Mouse – the receive is so small I never take it off
- iPod – download music and videos
- 4 GB Thumb Drive – Comes in handy for easy file moving
- 250 GB Portable Drive – I carry my music and some videos and personal files
- 500 GB External drive – Videos from TV
- 1 TB External drive – Movies
- Keyboard – sometimes it’s easier to type and play online games on a full keyboard
Now, to me, that’s a lot of USB devices and I can see how I would have most of these connected at the same time when at home. With the hub I would normally have about 7 USB ports on the laptop. But even if I could think of other USB devices I could use or want (a printer, a cup warmer, a mini vac, a wifi adapter {I wouldn’t really need one cause my laptop has a built in one}, a bluetooth adapter) , I can’t imaging why anyone would have 12 devices connected, to a laptop, and still need 6 more connected on top of the 12.
My questions to you. How many USB devices do you have (describe if you want)? How many do you have connected all or most of the time or at the same time? Also what USB devices would you like to get that you don’t have yet?
Please share any websites where they sell interesting, useful, fun and weird USB devices. I like this one:
My fav USB devices:
USB LED Beverage Cooler
USB Man 4-port Hub
BTW, can someone tell me what does “shake a stick at means”?