The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Amazing, they called the American people ignorant, stupid, disruptors, unAmerican, etc; they spent 8 years bashing Bush calling him a war criminal, a liar, a fearmonger, arrogant, terrorist, an idiot, stupid, moron, etc and all it took was one word from Joe Wilson “liar” to have the Democrats raging to the point of wanting to censor him. Hypocrisy is a lifestyle for Democrats, politician or not.

What a bunch of sensitive crybabies. This is what happens when you give a Democrat too much power, they quickly want to turn the country into their own personal kingdoms where only their words are allowed.

What a bunch of losers and so are we for having them as our leaders.

on Sep 10, 2009

I don't think our president and I have been reading the same bill.  If it a person can't legally be asked to prove citizenship, how can we guarantee that illegals won't benefit from this program?  Oh, I'm sorry.  The Democrats don't like the term "illegal alien".  They prefer to say "undocumented"...what a load of crap!  Either your a US citizen or you're not.  If you are, you shouldn't have any problem at all proving it.

on Sep 10, 2009

Joe only said what most of us think.

on Sep 10, 2009

Two articles on HufPo's home page about it today - each with 12,000 replies already.  Also the obligatory article charging that Joe Wilson is now the 'poster boy' for the GOP.  Plus another linked article about the 'apology' with over 7,000 replies.  And Van Jones is not a 'poster boy'?

Not a single article about the substance of his speech or health care is linked on the home page.

But they're not hypocrites, Oh No.

on Sep 10, 2009

The best thing is I bet that the majority of American agree with Joe.  Democrats don't realize they are looking like the losers in this debate.

on Sep 10, 2009

Not a single article about the substance of his speech or health care is linked on the home page.

Daiwa, that's becaues there was NO substance in his speech.  It was all feel good antics so that the media can come out and say, "see its not that bad, them mean GOPs."

The more I watch, Pelosi, Reed and Obama the more I get a sense they are just a puppet.  They say things they think I want to hear but they have lied repeatedly and lost any credibility, imo.  It seems to me that they are trying please one master (unknown) and sedate the other (US pop).  I'm not one for conspiracy but there is certainly something fishy when they are trying to pass bills that no one knows what's in them.

on Sep 11, 2009

You should check out how out of their minds the crowd is about this. they even went as far as to find some kind of rule in Congress where Wilson was not suppose to say such things as calling the President a liar and that because of this he should be fired, censored, punished, ridiculed and more. Why are the Dems so afraid of Reps? Is it because they know most people are more likely to vote Rep next time since most Americans consider themselves Conservatives? They got the power, what are they waiting for?

on Sep 11, 2009

Y' it just my poor memory, or do I recall a few outbursts from the Democrats when Bush was making some speeches?

It must be great, when the First Amendment only applies to you and your beliefs.

And to Adventure-Dude: they ARE puppets, and the one working the strings is George Soros.

on Sep 11, 2009



on Sep 11, 2009

NPR this morning reported that campaign contributions have been flowing in for the Dem that will be challenging Wilson in 2010.  I bet there's plenty of support for Wilson too for saying what so many were thinking.  It was worth it IMO to see the look on Pelosi's face. 

on Sep 11, 2009

It was worth it IMO to see the look on Pelosi's face.


on Sep 11, 2009

And to Adventure-Dude: they ARE puppets, and the one working the strings is George Soros.

Do you have anything concrete to back that up or is this just your observation from money trails?

Don't get me wrong RW, I'm just want to KNOW.  Alex Jones believes it is coming from a group of financial ogilarchs with some provacative evidence but again this is mostly from his observation and conspiracy theory.

NPR this morning reported that campaign contributions have been flowing in for the Dem that will be challenging Wilson in 2010. I bet there's plenty of support for Wilson too for saying what so many were thinking. It was worth it IMO to see the look on Pelosi's face.

Yes money is pouring in to the Dem challenger but Wilson is receiving alot of contributions as well.  I know I heard on Mark Levin that he was encouraging others to contribute to Wilson.

on Sep 12, 2009

NPR this morning reported that campaign contributions have been flowing in for the Dem that will be challenging Wilson in 2010. I bet there's plenty of support for Wilson too for saying what so many were thinking. It was worth it IMO to see the look on Pelosi's face.

Don't worry about the money going to the democrat. So far he has received 100K in donations. He still owes 300K from the last election loss so he is still in the hole by 200K before he can start to challenge Rep Wilson. Mr. Wilson ended his last election with 56k in the black, and is getting donations hand over fist because of his statement.


on Sep 12, 2009

I hang out on a number of left-wing forums and one thing that is pretty consistent is how wimpy left-wingers are when compared to conservatives.  Specifically, if the debate doesn't involve a 10 to 1 advantage in their favor (in participants) they start whining about being ganged up on.

I see liberals on these forums whine about how "right wing" JoeUser is (for example) when I would say that in terms of active members, it's about 2 to 1 in favor of conservatives right now (and why is that? because liberals flee communities when the 10 to 1 advantage is lost because they can't debate issues logically - in general).

One of the reasons I don't typically get upset in online debates with liberals the way liberals go absolutely ballistic at any challenges to their half-baked beliefs is because in the end, liberals don't matter. Meet someone who actually DOES something in the real world and it's almost never a liberal.

A liberal's view of compassion is believing in federal policies that involve someone else paying for them. A conservative believes compassion involves actually doing something to help someone.

The health care is just a typical example.  The ones doing the crying about it (liberals) are usually the ones paying the least into the system.  Take a poll of small business owners (who are the ones who pay for most of the insurance in the United States) and find out what their political leanings are. It's not even close.  

And whenever someone tries to put forward a common sense series of solutions, like the founder of Whole Foods, liberals go nuts and start talking about protests and boycotts.

Liberals are great at protesting since it doesn't involve doing anything.


on Sep 12, 2009

The health care is just a typical example. The ones doing the crying about it (liberals) are usually the ones paying the least into the system. Take a poll of small business owners (who are the ones who pay for most of the insurance in the United States) and find out what their political leanings are. It's not even close.

 Draginol, a better example of how liberals do business is Air America, They do things outside normal business practices and expect it to work. Rush Limbaugh started small and grew to be a giant in the industry. To compete with him they started Air America. They go donations to get them started but businesses did not advertise with them because liberals are anti business. Liberals also want everything for free and don’t support the advertisers. They tried to start the crushing of conservative talk radio nation wide with no real following and died on the vine. Then cried and blamed big business for their lack of support. This is why NPR is so popular. The government pays for it with some donations from the few rich local liberals. If NPR were to go commercial they would have to close down shop in a month. The same model is used for their version of government. Tax the rich to pay for the poor and themselves. Boycotts are easy because they don’t buy much anyway.  By the way, Air America was the secret CIA airline that worked in Vietnam during the war. Funny how they used the name of their hated enemy.