One way or another, illegally or not, illegal immigrants will be covered under Obama’s plan. How? Very simply. Obama is all for making illegal immigrants legal, just as Bush wanted. If he succeeds this would mean we would be adding plus or minus 12 million new, uninsured citizens to this nations population basically taking the 45 million number Obama repeated so many times (but then changed to 30 million) and making it a correct plus or minus total. The way I see it, as an illegal working under the table paying on the sales taxes for item they purchase, why would they go legit on their jobs when they can make so much more without paying taxes? Let’s be realistic; it’s not like they came here illegally to improve our Nation. They came to improve themselves and also to improve their families lives back home in Mexico, Central and South America. While the US does benefit in a small way, Mexico, Central and South America gets more benefit from the money they send back and when they use our public systems that also hurts us.
So, will illegal’s benefit from Obama’s healthcare plan? Yes they will, whether it’s legally or not. They already benefit from Welfare, foodstamps, medicare and WIC.
Believe what you want, you can’t deny the truth.