The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

The ACORN doesn’t fall far from the tree and Obama is gonna have a ball trying to distance himself for ACORN just like he tried with his Pastor. Talk about a man who knows how to pick them. Ever heard of the saying “A man is known by the company he keeps”? Maybe Obama will call ACORN “jackasses” too.

Look, I’m all for groups who try to help out those who have a hard time moving up or even surviving in the US. Charity can be a great system for our country. But it comes with no surprise that a group like ACORN would take this system and abuse it, on taxpayers money no less.

These videos that keep popping up prove this group is not helping people to better themselves but actually promoting criminal activity by teaching people how to cheat the tax system (the same system Biden claimed was Patriotic to pay) and getting Gov’t help illegally. And this is the group Obama promised to back and to ask before passing any bill?

I am glad the Senate decided to cut ACORNs Gov’t branches. Here’s to real journalism, the power of the people and bringing the light to these dark entities.

on Sep 16, 2009

Apparently 7 senators feel the corruption should continue.

on Sep 16, 2009

LOL, I saw that. Isn't that funny? Gotta wonder what they were thinking.

on Sep 16, 2009

Gotta love 'transparency.'

on Sep 17, 2009

Bill pass the House with 300+ votes.  Will be VERY interesting to see what Uncle Bo does.

on Sep 18, 2009

Harry Reid has to "approve" the inquires, it will be interesting to see if he drags his feet. Obama screwed himself when he didn't distance himself as soon as the facts broke. This administration just can't let go of the corrupt Chicago styled politics. If you look for your leaders in a rats nest, expect to elect some rats.