People have a funny way of changing their minds when they get what they want only to find out that is not what they wanted. Take our current system of Gov’t, Democracy.
Democracy: majority rule: the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group
Supposedly the way it’s suppose to work is “majority” gets to make the rules, kinda like everything else. If there are 5 people, you go to a vote. Strangely enough people will accept taking a vote knowing they may not accept the outcome of the vote since it may go against what they want which makes me wonder why did they bother at all to do it. The same thing happens during Presidential election year in the US. No matter who wins, those who think the process of freely voting for a President of your choice is the greatest thing this Nation has, right up to the point where the votes are counted and a winner is declared. That’s when those in the Minority throw the whole system they so greatly believed in out the window because their candidate lost. What ever happened to accepting the results of a system you agreed to participate in? Reminds me of those videos from South America and other countries where the crowds go nuts and on a rampage of destruction because their soccer team lost or at least one gets the feeling that is what is going thru these peoples minds when they seem upset because things are not they way they like it and don’t seem to understand or accept it’s because of the Democracy system they chose to deal with.
All this was prompted by an article I found on today on my RSS reader. Reddit, I don't give a damn about your aunt, uncle, boyfriend, girlfriend, boss or toothless rabies infested dog who reads Reddit. Less personal crap and more articles please was the title and also the content of the article. Basically the person who submitted it (and many who replied and agreed) was tired of seeing too many articles related to those types of topics either on the front page or at some of the top topics. But there was one comment that basically made his complain mute because the point of the site was exactly that which he was complaining about:
Witide said: If that's what the community wants, then that's what will prevail.
That's how reddit (or any democracy) works. The majority get to decide what they want to appear here.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Again, it’s funny to see people complain about that which they chose to agree with. God forbid people would actually know that things won’t always go their way. I had no choice but to accept Obama as my President. I don’t like his policies and will express my opinions about it, but he’s still my President and I accept that. His policies on the other hand will not go thru without a fight. After all, being President doesn’t mean he gets his way all the way. But once something is passed I have no choice but to accept.
So plain and simple if you don’t like the site (or job, club, restaurant, store, etc) you go to due to the policies in place that run the place then leave. Otherwise deal with it cause that is just the way Democracy works. Most people will mold their sites, jobs, clubs, restaurants, stores, etc. based on what the majority want. Plain and simple.
Here’s my fav comment on the site:
Tallon said: Democracy: telling minorities to go eat a dick since 1830.
Gotta love these people who would rather have a dictator tell them to eat dick as oppose to Democracy.
Americans want Democracy, but these days most only want it when they are in the majority. That is truly a sad situation.