The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

It would seem that when it comes to the Democrats, there are wars being fought within wars, within other wars. Right now the main war being fought in the Democratic party is the Healthcare Bill. I have yet to understand completely why a Healthcare Bill, something that is a passion of the Democratic party, is having such a hard time getting passed when our Gov't today is being controlled by a Democratic House, Senate and White House. Every other day we hear about Obama doing yet another speech in some other part of the country trying to convince the America people his concept of Gov't Healthcare (because that is what it is) is the solution to our current Healthcare problems.

So why can't the Democrats pass a bill they are so passionate about when they have the majority in both houses and the support of the President? Well, this has to do with one of the wars being fought within a war. Democrats are fighting amongst themselves trying to figure out how to pass any kind of healthcare bill. So the first war is passing the bill, the next war within this war, getting all the Democrats to agree to a bill, the next war within a war? The war within themselves. I believe the reason the Democrats have been unable to agree is because many of them are scared of losing popularity amongst their voters and believe they may not survive the next round of elections if they vote on something the American people are against. For once I find myself believing there are some smart people within the Democratic party.

Now to add to the problems the Democrats already have amongst themselves, some Democrats have decided to defy the President by looking for a way to allow illegal immigrants to benefit from Obama's concept of Healthcare (Link). A concept where he clearly stated the following words:

"There are also those who claim that our reform efforts would insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false. The reforms -- the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally."

These are the infamous words that led Rep Joe Wilson to break the House rules by yelling "you lie!" to the President during his speech. I find it ironic that while he was punished for this outburst here we have the Democrats looking to prove Wilson was correct in his out of place comment. Even more interesting is Obama's contradiction to his own words about no illegal immigrants benefitting from this bill here.

"The one exception that I think has to be discussed is how are we treating children,"

"Partly because if you've got children who may be here illegally but are still in playgrounds or at schools, and potentially are passing on illnesses and communicable diseases, that aren't getting vaccinated, that I think is a situation where you may have to make an exception."

Now, I can actually agree with this. children should not have to pay the price for their parents mistakes. Regardless what you believe entering a country illegally is a crime according to the law, we just don't always enforce it for some reason. But it can't be denied that Obama did lie and that the Democrats are trying (unintentionally perhaps) to make Obama a liar by wanting to allow illegal immigrants to benefit from any Healthcare Bill passed. I would think if this happens Rep Joe Wilson would deserve an apology from the Democrats for the way he was treated by them.

So, in the end Obama seems incapable of uniting his own party to vote for solutions they have been wanting to pass and have the power to do so at this time. This leads me to believe that Obama does not have the capability to unite this country any more than he does his own party and therefore is failing to accomplish one of his promises to unite this nation. Instead he seems to be creating an even greater rift that the one Bush started.

It is my opinion that Obama was nothing more than a shiny new Windows Vista that promised to make the experience better but instead is creating more problems than it resolved. Perhaps this image sent to me as a joke may be more realistic than one would want to believe:

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on Sep 28, 2009

IMO a big part of the problem the Democrats have is that they try to be everything to everyone. In the end this leaves fewer people satisfied. Take a look a what special interest groups make up the Democrat party (this list is not all inclusive there are exceptions in every group):

Gays and lesbians

Minority groups (many with strong religious tendencies)


Unions (factory workers, educators, entertainment industry)


Conservatives (Blue Dog Democrats)

Feminist groups (NOW, pro-abortion groups)

Trial Lawyers

Illegal aliens

The media

This is just a short list of course. Some people in these categories do identify with Republicans, but many are exclusively tucked under the wing of the Democrats. Just in this small list you can see peoples that probably don't share compatible feelings/values, some on many issues. How can they expect to please everyone?

Many conservatives (note I didn't necessarily imply Republicans) believe that the government shouldn't try to please everyone. The government should have a (small) parameter of responsibilities and stop tying to be "everything" to all people. It was never the intent of government, yet this is where it is heading. It will collapse under its own weight sometime in the future if this continues.


on Sep 28, 2009

Many conservatives (note I didn't necessarily imply Republicans) believe that the government shouldn't try to please everyone

Here's a simple question. Why does the Gov't need to please anyone? I thought it was the Gov'ts job to provide services that otherwise could not be done by individuals, such as roads, infrastructure, military and even in a way laws. So why are they trying to do things based on certain groups rather than doing things that will benefits Americans as a whole and not just Minorities, gays, Union people, Liberals, women, foreigners, etc. How come all of a sudden this country decided it was OK to do things for certain people and not others? Why do some handi-cap people don't want to be treated like they are handi-cap yet they have no problems using the handi-cap parkings? Why do women want equality yet they never consider men as equals? Why do illegals have any say at all in this country? I don't understand why we have forgotten we are all Americans (except for illegals)? I thought this country was meant to be for all Americans but all I see is a society that is selfish and only wants what they want as individuals and not as a country. I find this to be very sad when I walk out into the streets and all I see is Democrats, Republicans, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, rich, poor, smart, dumb but I have a hard time finding Americans. people who are proud of where they were born, where they are from, of their countrymen of the progress in their history.

Our history has a lot of horror stories, but we should be proud that we have been able to accomplish something most countries have yet to do. We have been able to created a melting pot society where hundreds of different cultures live together and in most cases get along as if we all came from the same family. Sure there is still some bad apples out there but they are a small percentage of which we should not base our entire society on and ignore the progress that has been made. Sadly all this has been forgotten and our society is not starting to seperate like water and oil.

on Sep 29, 2009

Here's a simple question. Why does the Gov't need to please anyone?

If only everyone would realize that and except it. Politics would be much less scandalous and partisan. People could get on with their lives without the drama.