I was listening to a podcast from a site call podnutz.com and the host of the podcast was talking about some USB gadgets and mentioned one that he said could be used in a different way and was wondering if anyone has ever tried it, seen it done or would dare to try this out.
I'm talking about the USB Mini Fridge. An interesting USB gadget that, according to gizmodo.com, can chill your drinks in around 5 minutes and a cool 47 degrees F.
At the host of the show explained he basically could take the chips or plate that cools down your drink and use it to cool down chips on a PC. So my curiosity is, has anyone heard of such an experiment? Would you dare to replace the fan (or add to it) with this plate? Operating it should be a breeze since the gadget already comes wired to work with a USB connection. What do you think? Is this possible and maybe useful? Could this actually keep a CPU cool or could the heat from the CPU overpower the cooling plate? I can only imagine the elaborate clamp one would have to invent to hold this plate against the CPU. Any ideas?
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