OK, so I have to write this new article to correct my previous article found here because I made a booboo.
It would seem that in my excitement to read such a story about Finland's approval to give Internet as a right to its citizens, I failed to understand that they are not providing free internet access. Please read the comment below I found on one site which basically repeats what I heard on a podcast from CNET News Daily Podcast from 10/14/2009:
Now, before you all get excited, this doesn't mean that every person in Finland will get a free internet connection with the speed of 1Mb. This means that the goverment has set a absolute minimum speed which the internet needs to operate (although they're willing to let it be a bit slower on rural areas, if they can't get it working with wireless/mobile internet either). This means to every operator you go (big cities and small), the slowest speed you can get is 1Mb, with the price range around 20 to 18 euros (my 2mb connection costs 28 euros a month, no caps)
Link (see comment section)
So it would seem I goofed up on this story but wehat I am surprised is that no one else either caught on to it or said anything about it. Did anyone else see this or miss this part of the story?
I have corrected myself here to avoid any bashing over how wrong my original article was and I will link this article in that one as well.
Glad I found out about this.
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