I have asked before and I will continue to ask till I get a legit answer from the crybabies out there who constantly defend Obama and the Democrats that are in control of our Gov't.
Why are the Democrats having so much trouble passing a Universal Healthcare Bill they claim the majority of Americans want?
Obama won the Presidency, Democrats took control of all 3 Houses, the power is in their hands. Yet time and again they fail to accomplish anything and the only thing they seem to be good at is blaming Republicans (including Bush) for their failures. They claim Obama has not had enough time to accomplish anything yet he takes responsibility for the few improvements we see from time to time. Now unemployment is over 10% and I still wonder if people still think Obama is doing a great job. While I'm sure some will, again, argue that it has only been 10 months of Obama's Presidency, not enough time; I still wonder why they believe this when he said this before passing the second stimulus package:
"If I get the Stimulus Bill Unemployment will not go above 8%"
10.2%, that's 2.2% above what Obama promised for those who can't calculate. As some would say "how's that stimulus working for you"?
2008 was the year the Democrats were able to form the Democrat Dream Team when they took control of the 3 Houses and several Governor, Mayor and other Gov't positions thru out the country with the promise that they would fix everything yet we still see things heading south.
Again, I ask:
Why are the Democrats having so much trouble passing a Universal Healthcare Bill they claim the majority of Americans want?
And I also ask:
Why do you still believe in them?
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