The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

I have asked before and I will continue to ask till I get a legit answer from the crybabies out there who constantly defend Obama and the Democrats that are in control of our Gov't.

Why are the Democrats having so much trouble passing a Universal Healthcare Bill they claim the majority of Americans want?

Obama won the Presidency, Democrats took control of all 3 Houses, the power is in their hands. Yet time and again they fail to accomplish anything and the only thing they seem to be good at is blaming Republicans (including Bush) for their failures. They claim Obama has not had enough time to accomplish anything yet he takes responsibility for the few improvements we see from time to time. Now unemployment is over 10% and I still wonder if people still think Obama is doing a great job. While I'm sure some will, again, argue that it has only been 10 months of Obama's Presidency, not enough time; I still wonder why they believe this when he said this before passing the second stimulus package:

"If I get the Stimulus Bill Unemployment will not go above 8%"

10.2%, that's 2.2% above what Obama promised for those who can't calculate. As some would say "how's that stimulus working for you"?

2008 was the year the Democrats were able to form the Democrat Dream Team when they took control of the 3 Houses and several Governor, Mayor and other Gov't positions thru out the country with the promise that they would fix everything yet we still see things heading south.

Again, I ask:

Why are the Democrats having so much trouble passing a Universal Healthcare Bill they claim the majority of Americans want?

And I also ask:

Why do you still believe in them?

Powered by Zoundry Raven

on Nov 06, 2009

If they absolutely had to spend  700 billion dollars (which I do not support) they would have done much better to cut every man, woman, and child a check (about $2000 each, a bit more if you do the fashionable thing of excluding people above certain tax brackets). Some of this money would have been saved (good for the banks), some spent on basics like food (good for groceries and farms)some (most) spent on luxuries (good for businesses and retailers), and maybe even some invested. Instead they blew it on highway projects (we had a huge one near by, never saw more than a dozen men working at a time) that often don't employ from the communities that they service. Even then an out of work waitress isn't going to be laying asphalt anytime soon. The government has always been terrible targeting what sectors should get money. At least the people would have determined the best targets through selective use of their money. Tell me a small town of 1000 people (and totally passed over and forgotten by the stimulus) would not have benefited from a $200,000.00 influx of cash. Maybe even a few LOCAL jobs would have been created.

This would have at least injected the money at the source (local level)of the problem, instead of filtering it in drips and spurts through the bureaucracy. How much was wasted in feasibility studies or siphoned off as it passed through relevant departments? It seems the only real jobs created are the expanding government jobs that will require further resources from the taxpayer to continue to operate in the future. Once again the government knows best (not you) what to do with your cash. In this case it spent it on a crap shoot. Still trust them to effectively run health care?

on Nov 06, 2009

"Why are the Democrats having so much trouble passing a Universal Healthcare Bill they claim the majority of Americans want?"

I have to admit I'm stumped, too.

And I also ask:

Why do you still believe in them?

There's no other choice that's committed.

on Nov 06, 2009

I have to admit I'm stumped, too.

I really would like some kind of answer for this. If you are puzzled by this than it makes me even more concerned. Not because he's a Democrat, but because they promised change, but it seems to me that people were fooled into this whole "change" campaign they ran on and it will be hard to expect anyone after this to be trusted in any way.

There's no other choice that's committed.

There are choices, but we are left we the bottom of the barrel choices. This is like being hungry as a horse and going to a fast food restaurant and having to choose between the 5 hour old burger, the burnt burger and the next fast food joint 2 hours away.

on Nov 06, 2009

If they absolutely had to spend 700 billion dollars (which I do not support) they would have done much better to cut every man, woman, and child a check (about $2000 each, a bit more if you do the fashionable thing of excluding people above certain tax brackets).

You know, every time I call my mom in Puerto Rico she always ask me the same question before  we hang up. She always ask me if we received the Obama money. I keep telling her I don't know what she's talking about. According to her people in Puerto Rico were receiving some kind of Stimulus money that was provided by the Obama Administration, money that supposely was for us here in the US as well. I have not heard of such a thing but she says many have already received this money in Puerto Rico. Have you heard about this by any chance?

on Nov 06, 2009

There's no other choice that's committed.

Don't you mean "should be committed" (as long as it takes them to get well).

on Nov 06, 2009

Have you heard about this by any chance?

Only if you are referring to the $250 "stimulus" social security recipients received.

on Nov 06, 2009

Only if you are referring to the $250 "stimulus" social security recipients received.

Don't know to be honest. My mom speaks of stimulus money like the one Bush gave a while back.

on Nov 06, 2009

My mom speaks of stimulus money like the one Bush gave a while back.

Must be a secret.. I didn't get an invite. Of course a lot of "free" money goes to PR. I wouldn't be surprised.

on Nov 06, 2009

Obama's stimulated Union buddies and chicago thugs don't care if the unemployment hits 30% If people started leaping off buildings en masse due to the economic calamity the President would appear on tv only to give "shout outs" to stimulated thug buddies and to express his concerns about the need for universal health care.

on Nov 06, 2009

That can't pass it because they know most Americans are opposed to it, no matter the drivel they spew to the contrary.

on Nov 07, 2009

Charles, I've actually posted this question and the numbers they have in the house on another persons article (the article had a video that was mocking those dumb conservatives republicans).  The Democrates actually have a much higher numbers in Congress than the Republicans did during the time bush was in office and the Republicans had it easy/had a field day and where able to easyily push things through.

After typing this and several rebuttals they deleted my post and blacklisted me.  They kept my one post up that they responded to in order to make look like I didn't have a come back.  Now how sly and sneaky is that.

This same individual I've seen espousing that they for freedom of speech without censorship. I find it kind of comical that they deleted my post. I remind you NOT all of my post my post.

on Nov 07, 2009

t_P_P -

Hypocrisy has no political affiliation.