So, who's gonna take a bite out of the turkey leg next to President Obama this year is his first state dinner? No one really knows. Obama's administration, for some reason, has decided (as Foxnew and the Washington Times put it) that "mums" the word when it comes to sharing this information. Kinda funny how Obama's administration had no problems putting detainee photos out to the public at one point but refuse to share who's on the state dinner A-list.
But transparency is not the only thing missing in this story, so is bipartisanship. That and McCain. It seems McCain was not even invited and neither were several top Republicans. Hmmm, makes you wonder who's coming to dinner tonight. It would seem several Republicans will avoid this party invited or not as they don't want to be drowned by the wave of Democrats will be attending. Bipartisanship? Looks like a dictionary might be the perfect gift for President Obama.
Most people will see this as no big deal; of course cause it's Obama. Had this been Bush they would all be crying, bitching and moaning and articles like this one would have been filled with insults, foul language and twisted facts that probably have nothing to do with the point of the story anyways. But I figured it wouldn't hurt to point out how our great leader will be celebrating one of the most important holidays on this nations culture.
The biggest question I have is if they will do a prayer saying thanks for this meal? I will pray that on a day like this, where the words from our "great leader" should come from the heart, that Obama's TelePrompTer does not fall.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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