The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

So, who's gonna take a bite out of the turkey leg next to President Obama this year is his first state dinner? No one really knows. Obama's administration, for some reason, has decided (as Foxnew and the Washington Times put it) that "mums" the word when it comes to sharing this information. Kinda funny how Obama's administration had no problems putting detainee photos out to the public at one point but refuse to share who's on the state dinner A-list.

But transparency is not the only thing missing in this story, so is bipartisanship. That and McCain. It seems McCain was not even invited and neither were several top Republicans. Hmmm, makes you wonder who's coming to dinner tonight. It would seem several Republicans will avoid this party invited or not as they don't want to be drowned by the wave of Democrats will be attending. Bipartisanship? Looks like a dictionary might be the perfect gift for President Obama.

Most people will see this as no big deal; of course cause it's Obama. Had this been Bush they would all be crying, bitching and moaning and articles like this one would have been filled with insults, foul language and twisted facts that probably have nothing to do with the point of the story anyways. But I figured it wouldn't hurt to point out how our great leader will be celebrating one of the most important holidays on this nations culture.

The biggest question I have is if they will do a prayer saying thanks for this meal? I will pray that on a day like this, where the words from our "great leader" should come from the heart, that Obama's TelePrompTer does not fall.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Powered by Zoundry Raven

on Nov 24, 2009

I assume you'll want transparency on what type and brand of underwear the guy wears, right? Can't pick and choose the transparency you want and don't want; according to your logic/reasoning at least. Oy, this comes off as anal retentive nit picking. 


Happy Turkey day, ~AJ

on Nov 24, 2009

Maybe nit picking, Anal? Nah. But you can't deny it's interesting to see how his whole campaign was based around transparency and bipartisanship and yet issue after issue, we see that black (not skin color) and transparency seem to have more in common than glass and transparency and bipartisanship is between Liberals and Blue Dogs.

I'm curious. Why do you not think this is something worse being curious about? I'm not looking to make this front page, the be all to end all issues for Obama. I'm just pointing to interesting things that happen. I find it sad that we accept mediocracy. I find it sad that the status quo is OK to most Americans. I find it sad that people would rather pay attention to their emails looking for Black Friday deals than question why do those who lead and represent us never seem to stick to that which they promised they would do.

Do you think we should only care when something bad happens or should we try to avoid it before it does?

on Nov 24, 2009

Chuck, you're doing the equivalent of shinning the "Bat Signal" into the night sky. Expect the avenger to show up and save commissioner Obama.

on Nov 24, 2009

Maybe nit picking, Anal? Nah. But you can't deny it's interesting to see how his whole campaign was based around transparency and bipartisanship and yet issue after issue, we see that black (not skin color) and transparency seem to have more in common than glass and transparency and bipartisanship is between Liberals and Blue Dogs.


Well Charles, bipartisanship is a two way street. Despite your oh so credible informative sources, Dems have tried to help. Granted, Pelosi and Reid are being assholes and playing the "Lets compromise my way" game...others are more than willing to work with the Republicans. Sadly, many republicans are not looking at it that way. To them, it's come down to it being socialism, a trumpet call. If people wanted to work together, they would be...but like I said, it's a two way street that neither party has a hold on.


"I'm curious. Why do you not think this is something worse being curious about? I'm not looking to make this front page, the be all to end all issues for Obama. I'm just pointing to interesting things that happen. I find it sad that we accept mediocracy. I find it sad that the status quo is OK to most Americans. I find it sad that people would rather pay attention to their emails looking for Black Friday deals than question why do those who lead and represent us never seem to stick to that which they promised they would do."

Because it's about who he's having for fucking thanksgiving turkey. It's not state secrets; heck, it's not even like what one twit, I mean senator Hoekstra blabbed about a while back. I guess that's good transparency eh?

Seriously though, my concern with transparency isn't what he's gonna have for dinner, who he invites over, it's about what his government does that actually affects an issue - like spending, military, etc. what I'll be concerned about.

Btw, you're being erroneous. You're assuming that people don't care. Is that cause they're not up in arms about this? If so, then indeed, you're being erroneous because there's not basis for that.

You've alwasy mentioned that despite my opinions and such contrary, my actions on here convey to many that I'm some sort of anti-american individual. Well honestly Charles, your actions on here (and other people here) convey that Obama rarely does anything right, and that you're always going to bitch, complain, nitpick, and so on - about things he or his administration does.

It's crazy really, to be so infatuated. (Man crush? lol jk)


"Do you think we should only care when something bad happens or should we try to avoid it before it does?"

Yes, but only when it is something that is truly paramount. There's a difference between raising a panic over his choice of mashed potatoes...and his choice of security advisor.


Chuck, you're doing the equivalent of shinning the "Bat Signal" into the night sky. Expect the avenger to show up and save commissioner Obama.

Constructive and thinking critically as always Nitro, bravo....



on Nov 24, 2009

Well Charles, bipartisanship is a two way street. Despite your oh so credible informative sources, Dems have tried to help. Granted, Pelosi and Reid are being assholes and playing the "Lets compromise my way" game...others are more than willing to work with the Republicans. Sadly, many republicans are not looking at it that way. To them, it's come down to it being socialism, a trumpet call. If people wanted to work together, they would be...but like I said, it's a two way street that neither party has a hold on.

Interesting how you mention some Democrats are willing to work but only focus on the "many" Republicans that are looking the other way. It is a 2 way street, but right now Democrats are the ones behind the wheel and Republicans are simply back seat drivers. They got themselves there and now have to pay the price for it. You are right, if people wanted to work together they would. When ever you get a chance show me how Democrats are willing to work together when every bill currently running around in the house and senate is a Democrat bill.

Because it's about who he's having for fucking thanksgiving turkey. It's not state secrets; heck, it's not even like what one twit, I mean senator Hoekstra blabbed about a while back. I guess that's good transparency eh?

Hmm, interesting how you don't see this as a big deal or a little deal but for 8 years Bush was bashed for ever the smallest of things.

Seriously though, my concern with transparency isn't what he's gonna have for dinner, who he invites over, it's about what his government does that actually affects an issue - like spending, military, etc. what I'll be concerned about.

That's your choice, but he who is secretive about the smallest of things is usually very secretive about the biggest of things. Obama is not some Manager at a warehouse, the man is the leader and representative of this nation. Everything he says and does is watched, examined, studied, compared and analyzed because what he says and does comes with great power behind it and this power carries a big responsibility. You make light of the minor things, but Bush was bashed, stepped on, ridiculed, insulted and attacked for the minor things.

Talk about having the shoe on the other foot, being on the other side and getting a taste of your own medicine.

Btw, you're being erroneous. You're assuming that people don't care. Is that cause they're not up in arms about this? If so, then indeed, you're being erroneous because there's not basis for that.

I don't assume people don't care. I know some people don't care because it's the guy they like and voted for. If the tables were turned (as they are today) these little things would be seen as the end of this nation (as they were with the previous administration). This is not about doing tea parties, staging protest and starting riots, it's about paying attention, cathing the signs and stopping the probelems before they start rather than looking for solkutions to a problem that has already been created.

You've alwasy mentioned that despite my opinions and such contrary, my actions on here convey to many that I'm some sort of anti-american individual. Well honestly Charles, your actions on here (and other people here) convey that Obama rarely does anything right, and that you're always going to bitch, complain, nitpick, and so on - about things he or his administration does.

Obama rarely does anything right. That's not my fault. If you can show me somethings he has done right I can probably agree with you. But this is just so the "other side" gets a taste of what it was like when Bush could not lift a finger without having every Liberal out there raise hell and cry "the sky is falling".

It's crazy really, to be so infatuated. (Man crush? lol jk)

You want infatuation, look up Col gene here on Then you can come back tyo me with a real understanding of the word infatuated. I like detials, I like the small things as much as the big things. Terrorist have sticken this country time and again because we chose to ignore the small things, our soldiers died in Iraq and Afghanistan because we ignored the small things. This govt (Republican or Democrat) has screwed everything up because we the people ignored the small things.

Yes, but only when it is something that is truly paramount. There's a difference between raising a panic over his choice of mashed potatoes...and his choice of security advisor.

He is the President of the USA, everything he says or does is paramount. Comes with the job. Not sure why you don't get that. If it didn't he would not live in such a fancy house, eat fancy food, be the Commander-in-Chief of our military with zero military experience, gets to speak to every leader of every country directly and usually has the last word on any bill put in front of him. The President's every move is paramount, plain and simple.

Chuck, you're doing the equivalent of shinning the "Bat Signal" into the night sky. Expect the avenger to show up and save commissioner Obama.

I'm loving every minute of it.

on Nov 24, 2009

Constructive and thinking critically as always Nitro, bravo....

I know... it isn't the "bigger fish to fry" like Palin's book, right?

on Nov 24, 2009

Hmm, interesting how you don't see this as a big deal or a little deal but for 8 years Bush was bashed for ever the smallest of things.


Here's a hint charles...I'm not the sum of all the idiot liberals, and likewise...they are not the sum of me.


Interesting how you mention some Democrats are willing to work but only focus on the "many" Republicans that are looking the other way. It is a 2 way street, but right now Democrats are the ones behind the wheel and Republicans are simply back seat drivers. They got themselves there and now have to pay the price for it. You are right, if people wanted to work together they would. When ever you get a chance show me how Democrats are willing to work together when every bill currently running around in the house and senate is a Democrat bill.


Bullshit, the gop can play ball more than they are. I agree, a large part of the responsibility falls on the Dems...but let me tell you that the right has lambasted this bill (well, all dem bills)...what Republican really wants to work with "Socialist"..."anti-american" labeled things? No GOP'er is going to do that, it would be political suicide. Hence the vote that fell pretty much on party, count it, voted yes. Yup, total willingness on a bill that democrats helped get republican provisions in it...

Typical party politics by all of 'em. Fucking move on from party politics, and to getting shit done.


You want infatuation, look up Col gene here on Then you can come back tyo me with a real understanding of the word infatuated. I like detials, I like the small things as much as the big things. Terrorist have sticken this country time and again because we chose to ignore the small things, our soldiers died in Iraq and Afghanistan because we ignored the small things. This govt (Republican or Democrat) has screwed everything up because we the people ignored the small things.

1. I remember him, nucking futs.

2. Dude...joke,geesh. Get a sense of humor man.

3. So keeping track of his thanksgiving list of guests is equal to watching for terrorists? Oh right, lemme guest...he's gonna have Rev. Wright....right?

4. Yeah, be watchful..but there's a point where being watchful becomes paranoia - caution becomes the decision to not act - and so on. I have nothing wrong with keeping an eye on things, but...being "watchful" and jumping on something as trivial as the president's thanksgiving guest list... Matter of national security? Oh totally...

5. Why do you always bring up the past actions of people toward Bush? I agree, a lot of it was crap. Still though, you've - in the past - complained about people bringing up past things regarding Bush (valid and invalid points), how do you have the right to bring up their past shit?


Obama rarely does anything right. That's not my fault. If you can show me somethings he has done right I can probably agree with you. But this is just so the "other side" gets a taste of what it was like when Bush could not lift a finger without having every Liberal out there raise hell and cry "the sky is falling".

Why does this sound so very familiar...oh right...

You, a conservative: Obama rarely does anything right.

Those liberals you love to bash: Bush rarely does anything right.

So the actions that you justify yourself doing, are the same shit that you have an issue with....double standard. Then again, it all comes down to perception/ideology, and yours is making you feel that Obama his horrible. *shrugs* To each their own.










on Nov 24, 2009

I know... it isn't the "bigger fish to fry" like Palin's book, right?


Oh sure, unfortuantely due to the sarcasm in my original comment... --> #NitroFAIL



on Nov 25, 2009

Bullshit, the gop can play ball more than they are.

The same could be said about Democrats but why would they want to give the minority a chance to voice themselves after spending 8 years bashing them when they were majority? You are not suggesting Democrats are a prime example of how to do things the right way are you?

Why do you always bring up the past actions of people toward Bush?

Last I checked the Obama Administration (and most other Liberals) continues to blame the Bush Administration for their failures so don't complain to me about bring up the Bush Administration.

o, how do you have the right to bring up their past shit?

As an American, I have the right. Since this Administration refuses to let go of the past and accept their have failed many times already, I refuse to let it go as well.

So the actions that you justify yourself doing, are the same shit that you have an issue with....double standard. Then again, it all comes down to perception/ideology, and yours is making you feel that Obama his horrible. *shrugs* To each their own.

It's not double standard, it's fire with fire. They say 2 wrongs don't make a right but sometimes people need to get burned to learn not to play with fire. People shouldn't get mad when the shoe is on the other foot, that's call hipocrisy.

on Nov 25, 2009

know... it isn't the "bigger fish to fry" like Palin's book, right?

Oh sure, unfortuantely due to the sarcasm in my original comment... --> #NitroFAIL

Can dish it out (sarcasm)...just don't hurt him with a little taste of his own brew...---->AJdoubleFAIL

on Nov 25, 2009

why would they want to give the minority a chance to voice themselves after spending 8 years bashing them when they were majority?

Folks seem to forget Bush had a GOP majority for six years not eight. You may remember things weren't so bad until the 2006 elections and Bush started signing almost every piece of BS legislation that the Democrat majority congress put on his desk. And people wonder why the fruit is bad. They pruned the limbs but left the rotting trunk in place.

The left, and others, were correct to be hard on Bush (not the vindictive things, for the sake of vindictiveness), but now that they have it all, the same problems (or new, worse ones) are just peachy fine. Don't they realize a blind eye, or worse yet complicity, will not help anyone?

on Dec 02, 2009

It's not double standard, it's fire with fire. They say 2 wrongs don't make a right but sometimes people need to get burned to learn not to play with fire. People shouldn't get mad when the shoe is on the other foot, that's call hipocrisy.

It's bullshit; An order of stupid served on a silver platter. Getting caught up in mindless party robotics like what you're doing only adds to the ass talking and partisanship that screws our country over. So, I guess that would mean you're implicit in fucking our country over due to partisan drivel; you bitch and complain a bit about what those evil liberals and politicians are doing, then contribute to it yourself by being no better than any of those you claim to despise. 

Bravo, well done...have a medal. \sarcasm


That goal is to add constructive things to the debate (i.e. problem solving, not problem creating). I just wish people would try it more often - principles and party rhetoric be damned. 


Last I checked the Obama Administration (and most other Liberals) continues to blame the Bush Administration for their failures so don't complain to me about bring up the Bush Administration.


Yeah, and? Why don't you start criticizing the republicans for consistently attacking Obama and liberals for damn near everything? I concede, as always, that the democrats and liberals have major problems - but why not fix your know?


The same could be said about Democrats but why would they want to give the minority a chance to voice themselves after spending 8 years bashing them when they were majority? You are not suggesting Democrats are a prime example of how to do things the right way are you?


Nope, but I'm saying cast the log from your (rhetorical) eye before you go 'bout your thing. The republicans need to seriously re-examine themselves and address their issues, and address the issues in a way that works...not fiery idealogical/demagogue rhetoric. No more evil conspiracies, no fear mongering, none of that. Likewise, none of the same from the Dems. 

Problem solving, that's it. 


Don't they realize a blind eye, or worse yet complicity, will not help anyone?

