The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

Gotta love our Commander-in-Chief; they guy is so dilusional he actually believes he has accomplished wonders during his first 11 months as President of the US. Who was it that said Obama has not had enough time to accomplish anything? Oh yea, several Liberals who complained when we pointed out how Obama has not accomplished anything since he became President. Kinda funny how Liberals and Obama are not on the same page here.

So Obama tells Oprah he grades himself a B+ because of several things he believes he has accomplished. Lets see and analyze what he believes he has accomplished one accomplishment at a time:

"I think we have inherited the biggest set of challenges of any president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt."

As usual, Obama starts all his speeches by blaming the previous administration for all the hard work he has to deal with. You know, this was fine and dandy when he was running for President. After all that's what's expected of a candidate. But the guy won already. The moment he took over all the previous Presidents problems became his. To this date Obama loves claiming success to be his when he thinks something went right but also loves to blame the previous administration for his failures.

"We stabilized the economy,"

Really? Last I checked unemployment went all the way to 10.2% after he promised it would not go beyond 8%. People are still losing their jobs and most sales are still down. But what I am curious most is the bill he passed with such speed claiming that if we did not pass this stimulus bill that we would be in trouble yet there is still unspent money and unemployment went up either way after it was passed.

"prevented the possibilities of a Great Depression, or a significant financial meltdown."

Dude, things were bad, but not that bad. The problem is not how bad it would get but how to get better. Something that has not happened yet. Improvement will not be seen till at least sometime late next year, what we see today is just people who have saved for long periods of time and are now taking advantage of sales. But with 10% unemployment there are not a lot of poeple out there with money to spend.

"The economy is growing again."

We're not sinking anymore but we shore are not out of the woods yet. Helloooo, people are still losing their jobs.

"We are on our way out of Iraq."

No thanks to you. Bush gets that one for the surge that you did not believe in.

"I think we've got the best possible plan for Afghanistan."

Yea, you told our enemies when we plan on stepping back. The best plan is the one the enemy does not know about. You may as well email them our strategies, our weapons inventory and even the files on each soldier while you're at it.

"We have reset our image around the world."

Reset our image? We went from respected and feared to the laughing stock of the world. You are considered a weak leader Mr Obama. Hell, North Korea tested several rockets under your watch, Iran has another nuclear plant and plans to build more, the Taliban has forced you to send more troops which you didn't want to do and the rest of the world doesn't even take you serious. Hell, even Israel doesn't believe you have their best interest in mind.

"We have achieved an international consensus around the need for Iran and North Korea to disable their nuclear weapons."

We've had that for a while now but Iran is just laughing in your face.

"And, I think that we're going to pass the most significant piece of social legislation since social security, and that's health insurance for every America."

Social is right. BTW, this will not cover every American, will not lower the deficit but will add to it and more than anything most Americans don't want it. Hell, you can't even get the bill passed with a majority in both houses. Why? Because most of them know this will be a disaster.

Oh, but why did he give himself a B+ and not an A? Simple:

"Well B-plus because of the things that are undone. Health care is not yet signed. If I get health care passed we tip into A minus"

I? And here i thought it was Congress and the Senate working hard to come up with something they (or the majority anyways) can agree on. Ah, but if it does get passed, you know it will be Obama who will get all the glory since, according to his own words, he will get it passed. This is so sad. How do you give yourself a B+ when your approval ratings are around 41%, when even your own allies are contradicting you, when you constantly break the promises you made during your campaign. As far as I'm concerned You might get a D+ at most and that's because you have actually done one thing right. You finally showed the American people who you really were really fast and this has opened many eyes and the American people are little by little waking up to your illusions.

BTW, what were Obama's grades in college? Oh yea, I head, like his birth certificate, he keeps those files sealed too. Transparency, another lie from this Administration. This has to be a record.


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on Dec 15, 2009

Funny he won't release his college grades, yet he'll arbitrarily give himself a grade for his first 11 months of office.

on Dec 16, 2009

Funny he won't release his college grades, yet he'll arbitrarily give himself a grade for his first 11 months of office.

Exactly. The guy is a lost cause and no one wants to believe it. Iran continues to test missiles, the president of the U.N. climate conference quits probably because of all the fudging BS that's going around and now even the healthcare bill is taking a beating. The Dems can't even pass a bill while in full control of the entire Govt and they can't blame Republicans for this one.


on Dec 16, 2009

In state government, employees are told to write their performance plan for the coming year.  This is what they are to be evaluated on in a year.  There is a restriction - it has to at least kind of sort of reflect the job you were hired to do.  But you can see why there are no bad state employees.  They get to write the test!

As did Obama.  he got to write the yardstick that he then measured himself against.  And he only got a B+?  That is bad!  Any moron can write a yardstick where they get an A+, but then they are smarter than the president.

If I used my expectations of him as the grading scale, I would not give him an F, just a solid D.  If he has lived up (down?) to all my expectations then I would have given him a C on performance, even though I would (and do) give him an F for what he has done to the country.  In other words, he has surprised me very little.  I expected him to be an abject failure, and for the most part he has lived up (down) to that expectation.  I did not expect him to be a narcistic man-child, so that is why he gets a D instead of a C.

But, while I did not vote for him (or McCain), I expected him to win.  After all, we would not have had Newt without Billary, or Reagan without Cawtaw.  Now we just have to find our next leader that can lead and heal and fix the mess Bush started and Obama magnified.  For someone who likes to mention his predecessor so much, he does not seem to want to fix any of the problems, only magnify them.