Hell, had I not read the article in its entirety I would have never guess what does Porn and MicroUSB have in common. But it seems that when it comes to the latest in technology, even the Porn Industry has a take in what is usually the geeks domain.
So what does Porn and MicroUSB have in common? Well, some of you may have heard how the Porn Industry, some time ago, decided to place their incredible influence in helping decide what would become the standard for movies back in the days, VHS or Beta. Obviously this was of importance to an industray that relied on videos as part their vast empire. But even further they also wanted to "push" their influence "against" Blue-ray vs HD DVD.
But what does any of this have to do with MicroUSB you might ask? Well simple. Just like people carry several types of gadgets such as cellphones, portable drives and MP3 players that can be charged thru the USB port of a laptop or a USB compatible wall charger; the Porn Industry also provides their own flavor of gadgets that some of these people may also carry (like a vibrator) and they would like to be able to reach the largest consumer base by getting MicroUSB to be the standard for recharging some of their products (like a USB rechargeable Vibrator). That way, as the article says:
"From now on, you'll only have to pack one cable for those long business trips."
Talk about convenience. Makes me wonder if the Porn Industry also has a take on USB Hubs.
So, if you're a big fan of the MicroUSB, it becomes the standard and you see a MicroUSB port or device, don't forget to thank the Porn Industry for their contribution to make it possible. And for those with several MicroUSB compatitble devices (including that Vibrator you got hiding in your laptop case), don't forget to thank them too.
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