The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.
Published on February 3, 2010 By CharlesCS In Politics

Honesty, something that is about as likely to be found on a Politician as love for Fidel Castro is on a Cuban. I'm all for honesty, but even I know when not to be too honest about things.

It's ironic that sometimes I have to give Obama props for doing something right. But his problem is that he picks the wrong moments to do it. For the second time Obama decides to take shots at people blowing their money in las Vegas. now, I, to a point, agree with his opinion. I am not much of a gambler and have nothing against people spending their money on luck. But when you go thru money at Las Vegas faster than you can drive a Lamborghini, in high quantities and are not Donald Trump, Bill Gates or even someone who makes $250,000 or more, sometimes you need to be reminded just how stupid you are. That's basically what Obama was doing in a nice way.

But as I stated above, during a time when his ratings are dropping almost as fast as the New Year ball, when his Congressional and Senate Democrat buddies are being dropped like bad habits in recent elections and when the 2010 Congressional elections are just around the corner, Obama needs to curb his honesty if he is to survive his honesty streak. And we though Biden was the one who needed to keep his mouth shut.

Don't get me wrong. Every time Obama screws up it only makes it easier for Conservatives to win back the peoples trust. None the less, the guy needs to get a clue. You don't help people become better people by telling them how stupid they are, that only works in the military (see Full Metal Jacket for examples).

Dude, get a clue. And they said Bush was stupid. LOL


Of course, you shouldn't be spending you hard earned cash on things like gambling according to Obama. But it's OK to blow $2.5 Million on a Super-bowl Ad just to advise people to participate in the Census. Link So when is it that Obama is gonna freeze spending? After he spends into oblivion? Hypocrisy at it's finest.

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on Feb 03, 2010

Boy did your title hit home with me recently.  People really don't want honesty.  Really they don't.  They want their ears tickled.  It's a rare person nowadays that really wants the truth. 


on Feb 03, 2010

I prefer the truth. I lied one to many times in my life and I am where I am due to that today.

on Feb 03, 2010

I am sure there are some gamble-holics.  But most who go to Vegas are not that type, and go there for fun.  They saved their money and now want to spend it their way to have fun.

What Obama is doing is trying to stigmatize fun.  He is not offereing help for the afflicted, but instead piloring what he thinks is a rich man's folly.  And he got nailed for it.

Let me put it this way.  If you (the royal you not you Charles) dont like smoking, petition to make it illegal.  Oh, you dont like losing the tax revenue?  then shut up!  Same goes for gambling.  Let's see how popular he will be when he bans mega Millions and Power ball.  Idiot.

on Feb 05, 2010

KFC, nowadays? people have always not wanted to hear it.

As for obama being "right" about las vegas... BS. Obama has no right to attack gambling. I don't gamble because it is stupid, but some people have fun doing it and that is their right. In the soviet state you can't have money and you can't have fun. You work all day for the government and are poor and unhappy... but we are not soviet yet. Gambling is a perfectly legitimate business and entertainment that many people enjoy. You do not ban or even demonize food because some people harm themselves by eating in excess

on Feb 05, 2010

When the president attacks a particular city or activity, he smears literally millions of people who make a living in those cities based on the recreational activities of others.  You think unemployment is high now?  What will happen when you add all the hotel, restaurant, transportation, casino workers, and others to the list?  They called Bush dumb and they hold this guy up as a genius...isn't there something in the Bible about making the bad look good and the good look bad?

on Feb 05, 2010

Bible about making the bad look good and the good look bad?

There is, it is my favorite quote from the bible and one of the truest things ever said (and I am not a christian)

on Feb 05, 2010

isn't there something in the Bible about making the bad look good and the good look bad?

yes,  I think you must be referring to Isaiah 5:20 which says:

"Woe to them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." 

KFC, nowadays? people have always not wanted to hear it.

hahaha..weeeeellll you've got a good point.  But it just seems more prevalent today than it did when my daddy's daddy was around.  I'm thinking of another verse that says:

' the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron."  1 Tim 4:1


on Feb 06, 2010

yes,  I think you must be referring to Isaiah 5:20 which says:

"Woe to them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." 

Could have just said "woe unto liberals" to be more concise . (kidding, it is important to understand WHY liberalism is evil)

on Feb 06, 2010

As for obama being "right" about las vegas... BS. Obama has no right to attack gambling. I don't gamble because it is stupid, but some people have fun doing it and that is their right. In the soviet state you can't have money and you can't have fun.

You misunderstand. I am not saying that Obama is right for criticizing people, I am saying I too believe people should be spending their money more wisely. I just won't go around telling people whether I think they are stupid or not for spending money they earned in Las Vegas. That's their right, who am I to criticize them?

on Feb 07, 2010

Everyone is entitled to an opinion on the evils or joys of country and all.  The government and especially the head of it DOES NOT have any business telling us how to spend our money or time or energy.  Just because he expresses an opinion does not automatically mean he is "Right".  Obama seems to live by the motto, "Everybody is entitled to my opinion".