The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

OK, so I bought a new Linksys WRT120N wireless router. I bought Linksys because like Dell and Western Digital, it's the most common brand I know for routers and most people trusted them. I admit I don't keep up with the latest upgrades in their devices so I have to also admit I bought this model with ignorance.

It seems Linksys latest routers have had major issues with connetion drops and more. Ironic that I checked every other device I bought and failed to check this one and turns out it's a lemon. My problem is that I have to disconnect the power cord on the router from every hour to every 6 hours because the Internet connection gets lost over and over thru out the day. I will be returning this device back to the store for a refund and want to buy a differnt one and would like some suggestions. I don't currently have an Wireless-N receivers at this time but that could change so i may as well go for one that has G and N connections. One brand I am considering is D-Link, any advise on a particular model or another brand? Thank you.

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Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 04, 2010

I use a simple netgear router and haven't had a single problem with it. Your best bet would be to wander over to newegg and read some reviews on different routers. They have a whole bunch.

on Feb 04, 2010

I use

D-Link 4300 DGL wireless router
D-Link WUA 1340 wireless USB Adapter

OS is Windows 7 64 bit never had a problem

on Feb 04, 2010

I'm glad you posted this Charles, because I've been having the same problem for a while.  It comes and goes but mostly lately been having alot of trouble with linksys.  We found if we unplugged it and waited a few seconds and plugged it back in I'd get service during those times I couldn't seen to get connected.  But who wants to keep doing that? 

on Feb 04, 2010

I use a simple netgear router and haven't had a single problem with it. Your best bet would be to wander over to newegg and read some reviews on different routers. They have a whole bunch.

Charles - I have to laugh. I posted a tirade about Linksys about 4 years ago! 

now, I, like G3mpi3, use netgear (and recommend to all my friends and customers).  They use to be more expensive than D-Link and Linksys, but no longer.

I like Belkin as well, but they are usually more expensive than Netgear.  Go with Netgear.  My last 2 have been netgear (my cat broke my previous one).  Newegg is one of the best places to get it at the best price.  if you cant wait, try bestBuy.  A little more expensive, but that is the price of fast.

on Feb 04, 2010

I too dislike Linksys. I have had numerous ones over the years and they seemed to get less reliable.  I finally had had enough and researched what was out there. 

I chose the D-Link DIR-825 Xtreme N Dual Band Gigabit Router and have never looked back. 

I have had it for about 10 months and love it.  Connected to it are: 1 desktop, 5 laptops (3 Win7 and 2 XP) all wirelessly, and a media backup storage desktop (Win7) that is directly arrached to the D-Link.  The D-Link is connected to a cable modem.

on Feb 04, 2010

I have a Linksys WRT54G Wireless-G router with a 4 port switch and I have no problems with it whatsoever.

Been using it for a few years now....worry free. Networked with 4 computers. XP, Vista, and 7.

on Feb 04, 2010

D-Link DIR625.......

Great router

Got mine for $49.95 from Amazon.... Has a great range covers my whole house and garden...

on Feb 04, 2010

I have used Linksys for years.  Have you checked to make sure you have the latest firmware?


on Feb 04, 2010

I just use someone elses netgear

on Feb 04, 2010

I will consider Netgear and D'Link when I return this one.

I have a Linksys WRT54G Wireless-G router with a 4 port switch and I have no problems with it whatsoever.

I have one of those but it's currently at my father-in-laws house and he lives too far away to go get it. I never had issues with it either but wanted to upgrade to something that included Wireles-N capabilities.

I have used Linksys for years. Have you checked to make sure you have the latest firmware?

I did update the firmware this morning and to be honest have noticed it has not dropped (nock on wood) all day since I have been able to access my PC from my job several times today to test it. Still, I don't want to take any chances and I read too many complaints about the exact same issue on the same model. I just don't want to have to unplug and reconnect every so often even if it's once a week.

I just use someone elses netgear

I was doing the same up until this week. Of course, as soon as I hook up my wifi someone else jumped on my network. I quickly got rid of them. I'm smarter than that. LOL.

Thanks for the tip all.

on Feb 04, 2010

I can't believe so many people recommend D-Link. I've had 2 D-Link routers and w-lan cards in my life and they were by far the crappiest pieces of technology that ever entered this house. Poor transmission power, constant disconnects as soon as I established more than 10 connections at once (good-bye P2P..), a confusing GUI, lack of basic features: I will never ever use a D-Link device again. I would recommend either Netgear or even better an AVM Fritz!Box (but I don't know if that's available outside Germany)

on Feb 04, 2010

I've been using Netgear (WNR854T) and D-Link (DIR 628) the last few years.....Linksys used to be the best but things change.....ask Toyota  

I have a Linksys WRT54G Wireless-G

got one myself....use it as a repeater (flashed)

on Feb 04, 2010

Anecdotes are always tough to go by, but I've used Linksys, D-Link & Netgear products both at home & at work.  All have had issues at one time or another.  Currently using a Linksys cable modem & Netgear WAP at home - had all kinds of trouble with wireless connection issues at first & was considering returning the WAP not long after I bought it until I learned to configure all the wireless security settings correctly on the WAP & the notebooks.  Turned out it was me, not the hardware, that was the problem.

Using a Linksys cable modem, Netgear LAN switch & Linksys WAP at work - all working fine, though our IT guy says it's generally best to use the same manufacturer's equipment at all points in the network chain if possible.  But they all are subject to failure - we had a brand new 24-port LAN switch we installed at work a couple of years ago that was dead right out of the box, so we keep a spare on hand just in case.

Sad truth is there's nothing out there that is certain to be trouble-free.

on Feb 04, 2010

I have a Linksys WRT54G Wireless-G router with a 4 port switch and I have no problems with it whatsoever.

Been using it for a few years now....worry free. Networked with 4 computers. XP, Vista, and 7.

I've been using the exact same router for about six month now, and it's been working flawlessly - contrary the Level1 wireless router I used prior to the Linksys.

The Level1 may have been cheaper, but the shitty thing wouldn't let me stay online on certain IM apps (specially IRC), and despite their supporters assurance that it wasn't the routers fault, the problem got fixed as soon as I had bought another router, in this case a Linksys.

on Feb 04, 2010

Eh, I had the same problem and it turned out the router in the integrated into the (1-port) modem was conflicting with the Lynksis router. Bridged it to fix.


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