The World Thru My Eyes - I speak my mind and man does it like to talk.

First let me say that although I was raised as a Catholic, I personally have no issues with people believing in any religion of their choice. If they want to praise Allah, so be it; if they believe in Jesus as the son of God, that's fine by me; if they want to worship pigs, be my guest. I am no one to interfere with your religious beliefs, that's how I feel about that and I would hope others respect my choices the same way. Of course that is not likely but anyways.

However, there are some people out there who sometimes scare me. My mom is one who sometimes I think she takes the Catholic religion a bit too serious but her beliefs are not much cause for concern. But there are some people out there who sometimes seem to walk that fine line between strong religious belief and just plain crazy. How some of them can attribute every little thing that happens to God actually doing it himself is just too much for me. Flowers don't grow because they absorb nutrients and water from the grow, they grow because God makes them grow; that's how many of them see it. I believe in God and I believe that God is responsible for creating flowers, I just don't think he goes around making sure every flower grows by somehow focusing on each one. I believe he designed the flowers to draw nutrients and water from the ground so they can grow and flourish. I believe he made the ground so that it can provide the nutrients necessary for the flower to grow. I believe he made the water so that it could provide what flowers need to grow.

Today is a very rainy day here in South Florida. I also believe that God has his hands when it comes to the weather as well. But I know some people who's religious beliefs don't allow them to accept science as a way to explain how things like the weather work. I was talking to a coworker about the nasty weather outside and how some time ago I heard on TV why it seems to rain more often during weekdays than on Weekends. According to the person on the TV, he believes that due to weekdays being the days when most people work that there are more cars on the road on weekdays than on weekend and that the heat produced by all these vehicles help to create rain. It was interesting to since I myself have notice how it often rains on weekdays but hardly on weekends. Of course this idea does not apply to every day since it doesn't rain every day here. Still it was intriguing. But what was my coworkers response? That the bible explains how God controls the weather.

Now I don't know about you but I refuse to believe that God is like those guys in the movie "The Truman Show" where someone actually controls the weather making it rain when they want to specifically and make it sunny by choice. I believe God set up our enviroment so that specific conditions produce specific weather patterns. The heat of the African summers evaporate the waters left by the previous rainy season. The planets rotation allows for the winds to carry these clouds formed by the evaporated water to travel across the ocean. The warm waters add more moisture to the clouds making them bigger. The warm temps at the bottom combined with the cool temps above combine to create stronger winds, lightning and rain. Eventually the more time the clouds spend over warm waters the stronger the storms get and by the time they reach the Caribbean or East Coast of the US they become hurricanes. Basically to me it's a combination of many of Gods creations (water, wind, the Earth, the Sun) that form hurricanes. But someone like my coworker sees it as God simply using his hands actually create a storm in the middle of the ocean and then push it towards land and carefully controlling it so it hits only the places he wants it to hit. As I said, I believe in God, I just don't think he is that involved in everything that goes on in the Universe. If that were true I would never want to be God for that would be waaaaay to much work for me. Making it rain on a particular city en Europe, while making it snow in New York and throwing an earthquake somewhere else all at the same time while making sure the ocean always have waves, the wind is always blowing, the flower are blooming and a abby is being born; all this while listening to answering every persons prayer, that's just waaaay to much work. I think God is almight, I just don't think he would put himself thru that much when he can just let things happen based on how he created them.

I'm sorry. But your religious beliefs are just too extreme for me. I believe God is involved in everything that goes on, I just don't think he is actually doing it all himself in real time. Water runs down hill not because God is pushing down, but because of the gravety he created. Plants don't grow because God is using his divine power to make them grow, it's because he made them so they could get nutrients from the ground and water to grow. He is the creator, not the worker.

Just my point of view.

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on Mar 12, 2010

I think it's both.  I agree with much of what is said here.  God set up the universe (using Science) to work in a certain way.  But I also believe he can stop a storm or cause a storm at his will.  I mean, he's God afterall. 

 Only God can suspend his Scientific laws for His own glory like Jesus walking on water or turning water into wine in a matter of seconds. 

But ya, I don't think God is standing over us with a hose creating all this water (I live in Florida also). 

But the point has to be made that everything is according to God's will. 


on Mar 12, 2010

I think it's both. I agree with much of what is said here. God set up the universe (using Science) to work in a certain way. But I also believe he can stop a storm or cause a storm at his will. I mean, he's God afterall. Only God can suspend his Scientific laws for His own glory like Jesus walking on water or turning water into wine in a matter of seconds. But ya, I don't think God is standing over us with a hose creating all this water (I live in Florida also). But the point has to be made that everything is according to God's will.

Exactly, at least according to my and apparently your beliefs. But my coworker always replies to every discussion with God actually controlling everything, I mean everything. Makes me wonder if she thinks he's also responsible for her call from nature. "I'm going to the restroom cause God wills it".

on Mar 25, 2010

Interesting article, ChuckCS.

I believe God is involved in everything that goes on, I just don't think he is actually doing it all himself in real time. Water runs down hill not because God is pushing down, but because of the gravety he created. Plants don't grow because God is using his divine power to make them grow, it's because he made them so they could get nutrients from the ground and water to grow. He is the creator, not the worker. Just my point of view.

I agree. My understanding is this....

As well as creating the Angels, God created the entire Universe, the galaxies, stars, planets, as well as plant, animal, sea, and human life. Human beings complete with rational souls. All this was created to enable us humans, God's centerpiece of Creation, to ponder the awesomeness of the Creator God.

But my coworker always replies to every discussion with God actually controlling everything, I mean everything. Makes me wonder if she thinks he's also responsible for her call from nature. "I'm going to the restroom cause God wills it".

God is Almighty, but not controlling.

What's fascinating is that God works through all living matter (nature) not directly, but indirectly through secondary causes.

In other words, Almighty God doesn't continually intervene. The Universe functions and life propagates through the laws of nature which effectively act as God's partners.

kfc posts:

God set up the universe (using Science) to work in a certain way. But I also believe he can stop a storm or cause a storm at his will. I mean, he's God afterall. Only God can suspend his Scientific laws for His own glory like Jesus walking on water or turning water into wine in a matter of seconds.

Yes, I think this is true. God being Almighty can intervene at any time He wants with His creation as well as the operation of the Universe. As well as your examples, God brought on Noe's Flood, and Christ raised dead Lazurus back to life.